» Magic and Astronomy » When will the end of the world come? 2018 - forecasts

When will the end of the world come? 2018 - forecasts

According to some scientists, we have only a hundred years left to live on Earth.

According to some scientists, we have only a hundred years left to live on Earth. What do astrologers say?


The famous British scientist Stephen Hawking believes that in a hundred years humanity will be destroyed by climate change, overpopulation, depletion of natural resources and the disappearance of many species of animals and plants.

“If humanity is destined to exist for the next million years, our future lies in boldly going where no one has gone before,” the astrophysicist believes and adds that we have an interstellar journey ahead of us, for which we are not technologically ready, but in time we must learn to use rays of light for this purpose. One way or another, an apocalypse awaits us, for which we must prepare now. 

We've used up the land

Should we be afraid? Or is Hawking's pessimism based on the wrong premises? Astrologers also make prophecies about the end of the world. Fortunately, not everyone is pessimistic.

Over the past century, humanity has made such a giant technological leap that the world has changed beyond recognition, from discoveries in the field of medicine, through inventions, design solutions, communications, and ending with the ability to make life more comfortable and safer. This progress is largely based on the exploitation of the natural resources of the Earth, and its consequence is, in particular, the devastation of nature.

Is humanity leading to its own destruction?


However, the instinct of self-preservation of mankind will not allow self-destruction. The terrible vision of the British scientist would make sense only if the ingenuity of man had exhausted itself and he would not have invented anything new, remaining an avid consumer of goods once purchased. Predictions about the end of the world are as old as mankind.

For example, the Roman astrologer of the XNUMXth century AD. Firmicus Maternus believed that humanity was sooner or later doomed to degeneration and collapse. According to him, the history of mankind began with an era ruled by the sinister Saturn. We then plunged into chaos and lawlessness. The law appeared only in the age of Jupiter, as did religion. In the next era, Mars, crafts flourished as well as the art of war.

When will the Antichrist come?

Those who lived in the age of Venus, when philosophy and the fine arts reigned supreme, had the best. However, these golden times are already over, because now we live in the era of Mercury, where everything goes wrong, because too bold intellect gives rise to absent-mindedness, meanness and evil vices. So we are waiting...

 ... a fall, especially a moral one. The era of Mercury is followed by the last - the era of the Moon. It will symbolize the destruction and the coming of the Antichrist.

End or beginning?

In turn, the father of modern science, Isaac Newton, who was interested in both astrology and alchemy, meditated on biblical prophecy. In one of his letters, he proved that the end of the world would come in 2060. Where do these calculations come from? Well, Newton, studying the Old Testament book of Daniel, came to the conclusion that the end of the world would come 1260 years after the founding of the Holy Roman Empire. And since the empire was founded in 800 AD, the end will come in less than 40 years.

Interestingly, astrologers also date the end of the Age of Pisces to around this period and the Age of Aquarius, which will last another two thousand years. As a consolation, it is worth adding that the prophecy of Aquarius is one of the best visions of the future, because it tells about the advent of new, more wonderful times. To avoid extermination, humanity must come to its senses in time and begin to improve, because the Age of Aquarius is the era of perfection, knowledge and wisdom, just heaven on earth. It will surely come soon, but will goodness itself really triumph in it?You may also be interested in the article: Is the end of the world near?Text:, astrologer

Photo: Pixabay, Own source

  • When will the end of the world come? 2018 - forecasts
  • When will the end of the world come? 2018 - forecasts
  • When will the end of the world come? 2018 - forecasts