» Magic and Astronomy » Treasure map 2018: when and how to prepare it?

Treasure map 2018: when and how to prepare it?

A map is a visualization of our desires on paper.

A map is a visualization of our desires on paper. Literally! Choose the most important and intimate dreams, give them a material form so that they can really come true.


Treasure map 2018: when to prepare it?

Prepare the map 16 April Monday is a day of important undertakings and overcoming obstacles. The first spring new moon, when the Sun and Moon meet in Aries (April 16 at 3.58:XNUMX to be exact), the most daring sign of the Zodiac. Then the heart takes over the mind, and we can realize what we want most. The head is free from black thoughts, doubts or memories of mistakes made. The ideas that occupy our minds and hearts will germinate like seeds over the next twelve months. And they will bring the fruits of your dreams.  

But on Monday, April 16.04, you can not get out of bed at dawn, you can safely prepare a map during the day, even the next and the next, no later than April 30because then the moon will begin to shrink. And this is a time of purification in magic, not planning and fighting for a better tomorrow.

How to do it?

Paste pictures on a large cardboard box that show exactly what you want to achieve or achieve in the coming year. No restrictions and self-censorship! Do you want to have a supercar, go to the tropics, arrange a beautiful apartment, pass an exam? Let your imagination run wild and choose suitable pictures from magazines. Decorate them with quotes, affirmations, and your 2018 life motto that matter to you.

You can compose photos, quotes and drawingsas you like. You don't have to follow anyone. Or, if you like, use the bagua chart, which is to divide your dreams into nine themes. Or follow the example of the zodiacal system, suggesting the significance of subsequent astrological houses.


A treasure map is a kind of magical mandala.

That's why some people glue "your perfect self" to it - someone whose posture or appearance symbolizes what you would like to become. Of course, you can put your best photo there, or stick your face to the silhouette of some superman. Some in the center give the most important sleep, both material and spiritual. There may also be multiple elements. Just as no two people are the same, so no two cards are the same. Therefore, do not compare your cards with others and do not judge them. Pictures may be kitschy, banal captions, but these symbols hide real feelings, dreams and strong emotions that give the card magical power.

When will the effects be?

The map is supposed to be a reality within a year of its creation, but usually major changes don't happen that quickly. Sometimes it is taken very literally and quickly,

and sometimes after several years. So take your time and when you do, look for the signs that will lead you to fulfill your dream. You can keep the cards of past years as a keepsake, and stick new ones in place of old dreams that have come true or have not yet come true. Or solemnly burn, because dreams have come true or are outdated. Do what you think is right and listen to your intuition, because these are your dreams and your map.

Upgrade old cards

Perhaps someone already has their new cards, because they could not stand the spring waiting and made them at the beginning of the new calendar year. However, according to astrologers, this is not a particularly magical time. Yes, it's a new year and we're ready to make decisions, but nothing much is happening in the sky. Maybe that's why so few people are able to persist in these resolutions?

For this purpose first new moon in Aries, it is an astrological and magical power that will help us overcome obstacles! That is why cards created for the New Year (or for birthdays, as some do) should be taken out, dusted and updated if necessary.


VIEW MORE: Cosmic Order - Dream Visualization

Text: Miloslava Krogulskaya

  • Treasure map 2018: when and how to prepare it?