» Magic and Astronomy » What zodiac sign are you Leo?

What zodiac sign are you Leo?

Those born in the same sign can differ from each other, like fire and water - we know this well. Learn about the different Leo zodiac types: practitioner, dreamer, seducer and leader. Check who you are!

Those born under the sign of Leo, or, to put it simply, Lviv, have their reasons for pride: not only is this sign itself named after the king of animals, but also its astrological patron is the king of the planets - the Sun. It is not surprising that every Leo feels in himself something regal, some kind of primitive dignity that makes him proudly carry his head and feel a little better than the rest. Check your natal chart and see to what degree your Sun is in Leo, then read your description below.

4 types of zodiac Leo 

However, the sign of Leo itself is diverse, and its individual points and areas say something else about the born. So, Lviv can be divided into subtypes. 

practice lion 

Here, at the 6th degree, the sign of Leo joins Capricorn and shows the influence of Saturn (The sun remains in this place around July 29.07.). People who have the Sun or another important component of the horoscope here are practical, responsible, ready to take on complex tasks, ambitious and set themselves long-term goals. They also often have something "southern" in their faces, as if their ancestors came from hotter parts of the world. 

dreamer lion 

In the region of 8-9 degrees and further through the entire center of the sign (The sun has been here since 1.08.) changes the character of Leo. These Leos are dreamers, they get bored and dream about things that aren't there, and they're kind of out of this world. If they are creators, then they understand the generation of their grandchildren more than their peers. They value their freedom, in no case do they allow themselves to be “closed”, they do not like classification. Such elusive Lions were two great Polish artists: Witold Gombrowicz and Jerzy Grotowski.

lion seducer

About 22 degrees in Leo (The sun sets there around August 14.08.) the influences of the water element are included, and people who have something important here emphasize their personal attractiveness, sexuality and are able to impose personal charm on others. An example is the indefatigable Madonna - despite her slightly grandmotherly age, she still remains the world's demon of stage sex.

lion leader

It is only in the 24th degree that Leo matures and his personality begins to play all the notes of Leo. He sends signals with his whole being: look at me! Follow me! Focus around me! They are just like that Lions born from 17.08 upwards, among them such celebrities as: Roman Polanski, Robert Redford or the American exporter Bill Clinton, who may not have been the greatest politician, but played the role of leader of the nation perfectly.