» Magic and Astronomy » What is your tarot card for 2011?

What is your tarot card for 2011?

Every year we want to read our aura, we want advice to use our talents wisely, so as not to miss anything and not to miss anything. One of the great ways to tell fortunes yourself is to get a tarot card for a year. Check which tarot card you have for 2011.

What is your tarot card for 2011?

As we know, the Major Arcana have a special numbering that we can use in the context of our numerology. Namely, each of us has his own way of life, which is calculated by adding the date of birth. For example, Someone was born on 01.01.1960/0/1, add up the date of birth, 0 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 6 + 0 + 18 + 1 = 8 = 9 + 9 = XNUMX, that is, a person has a life path number of XNUMX, or as a will is the numerological nine.

Now for the next part of the task, we need to determine what numerical number the new year 2011 is. We sum up all the numbers of the year in turn, 2 + 0 + 1 + 1 = 4, which means that this year there will be a vibration of four. And here comes the most important part, i.e. divination, we set the card number of the Major Arcana for the numerological nine. We do it in the following way, for the number nine, that is, the number 9, is added to the number of the year, that is, 4, we get 13, and this number has a card called DEATH.

See also: Numerology

And now, my dears, using the example above, you will calculate your lifestyle, that is, add up the numbers of your date of birth and add the number of 2011 (i.e. 4) to it, you will get the Tarot card number. To subtract your work, I will present the relevant links for all life paths, i.e. from 1 to 9.

As you noticed, in the numerological six it turned out 10, in numerology this is an unacceptable number, because the rule is to reduce all numbers to a prime, which is done by adding the individual components. So it would be good to bring the number 10 to a single number, 1 + 0 = 1, and then the numerological sixes will receive clues from two cards, i.e. from the WHEEL OF FORTUNE, which is the number 10, and from the MAGIC, which has the number 1. .

And now I will once again present tarot card tips for all types of numerology.

And now it is enough to read the interpretation and tips of the cards for 2011. Think deeply about how this makes sense in the context of your actions in the material and emotional sphere, and choose what is best for you.

See also: Numerology - what is it based on and how can it help us?

Numerological units


This year you will be a seeker of truth and understanding. This time you decide to overcome all obstacles to go your own way. You will be guided by your own inner code that corresponds to the desires of your soul. It is possible that your determination and courage will be subconsciously picked up by the environment, which will manifest itself in recognizing you as an authority. People may need your advice, tips, they will treat you with respect. Such a perception of you by the world will be positive in the context of professional affairs, you can count on their positive development and personal realization. This is a good sign for single, married people. If the previous year was not the easiest, now you can count on the kindness and kindness of your beloved half. There will be agreement, coverage and mutual understanding. On the other hand, free ones can count on getting to know someone with whom you want to stay for the rest of your life. Dates may be agreed later this year wedding. This card also carries a warning for people who are too conservative. Such extreme conservatism in 2011 will not be good, so try to change your mindset. This is a hint not to be too submissive to others, because you may find yourself in the face of so-called false authority, where as a result you lose more than you gain.

Subservience and the desire to receive praise from others will not benefit anyone. You must go your own way and listen only to yourself.

Numerological deuces


This will be a good year for two who follow their heart and listen to their intuition. This will surely be a good year for those two who are sincere, treat the world with love and judge others through its prism, honest and kind to others. Then you will make wise choices and make the right decisions, in a word, you will not reach a dead end. You choose the best and most convenient way for you. As a result, it will pay off in terms of professional or business success. Possible signing of lucrative contracts and successful negotiations. In terms of feelings, falling in love, infatuation, entering into a romantic relationship are possible. This love will survive and bear fruit only on one condition, when you make a deal with pure intentions and an open heart. Otherwise, you can ruin your life and after a while you will find that the choice you made was, unfortunately, the wrong one, as it led you to a dead end. This year you will have to cooperate with people, you will not be able to go your own way. 2011 will require a lot of effort, tact and diplomacy from you. You will be able to make decisions skillfully only when, without being guided by emotions and selfishness, you will carefully consider everything and act in such a way that everyone is satisfied.

Follow your heart and your intuition, otherwise you may break up, conflict and eventually become frustrated and even depressed.

Numerological triplets

Charter of RIDVAN

This year you will be the winner, bring all your plans to a victorious end. We can safely conclude that you will overcome all adversity, gain an overwhelming advantage over others, and especially over your enemies. While the previous year required tact, diplomacy and cooperation from you, this year will be the time when you go forward without looking back at others. Strange, invisible forces will help, which will push you forward as you intended. This is a time when, with an advantage, you can build strong, concrete relationships with those around you. This, of course, can occur both in terms of professional affairs and at the level of feelings. You will win the heart of your loved one. If the previous year did not give you such a chance, then the current one will bring you more positive than negative. Feel free to use this time to achieve your goals. At the same time, you can count on the help of people who will come to your aid at the most unexpected moment. Of course, you must be guided by your mind, this time there will be no question of blind aggression, force or action in emotions.

As long as you overcome your instincts, including aggression and fear, you will succeed. Skillful reconciliation of the acquired knowledge with a rational plan, setting tactics and faith in one's own strength is the right way. Skillfully set goals will allow you to find the paths that your personal chariot will take you to victory.

Numerological four


This is a good year if you seek to find your inner balance and are guided by honesty. This time you will have to do everything according to the letter of the law. This is the time when the law will be on your side. This is the year of balance and restoration of losses. The lawsuit will end in your victory, the law will be on your side. However, this time it will require impartiality in judging other people and situations, unconditional honesty and wisdom. This is your inner justice, following your own honest code that will lead you to serious, positive decisions. Good, favorable documents can be signed this year. They may relate to professional, judicial, official, business or other matters. conjunctions. You will be a contented person as long as you are willing to take responsibility for your actions, and if you wait no longer, you will begin to put your affairs in order. Remember, it's time to arrange everything according to the rules and harmoniously for you. This will not be good as long as you want to abuse the law, bend paragraphs in your favor, coerce or commit fraud. Sooner or later, the "notorious awl out of the bag" will come out and you may have problems.

This year will require you to make a decision, if you feel that your actions are right and fair, you will win. Worse, when you start listening to others, you can run into false advisers and ruin your plans. Of course, the advice of an expert, a specialist will be useful and correct when making a decision.

Numerological Fridays


The appearance of this card is an announcement that all your actions will require caution and deeper reflection. If so far everything has been conquered on foot, now you should think twice before taking any steps. This is a time of concentration and reflection, not so superficial and superficial anymore. This time you need to get to the bottom of the weld. In addition, no one will make it easier for you, you will move in a limited field of view. Moderation is recommended in everything, in professional affairs, in relationships with people, in expenses and feelings. Rather, do not count on a dizzying, brilliant career. Instead, you will find the happiness and luxury of being in your own comfortable company. You will discover hitherto unknown truths that correspond to your true calling and talents. You may want to deepen your knowledge by choosing a field of study, a school or a workshop. Some Fives will be given the opportunity to travel, which will be a new learning experience. This is definitely a good year for all kinds of cosmetic procedures, including plastic surgery.

This is a good time for treatment, surgery and recovery. It also carries threats, until you stop on the run, you may become a victim of fraud, treason, you may receive misleading information. That is why Eremita requires caution and very careful movement in reality.

Numerological Sixes


There are changes that have not yet been taken into account. Everything bad can turn out for the better. Suddenly, completely unexpectedly, you may be offered a better job, leave or change your place of residence. In addition, you can receive an inheritance or win the lottery. Sometimes this victory can correspond to finding love or finding people with whom you feel safe and secure. This time, blind fate, proverbial luck, might work. Believe in this happiness and mentally attract the best vibrations to you. Seek within yourself the strength and power to use your psychic abilities to the best of your ability to direct your destiny on the right path. This is the task of the Wizard, and you will be the Wizard of your destiny. Remember that the wheel of Fate is blind, it turns for everyone, and how you use your power also depends on Sibi. If you want to succeed, you must fight and take control of the apparent chaos. This time it will not be difficult, even if the seed you sown was of poor quality, by taking fate into your own hands and controlling your reality, you can win. It can be related to the person you meet and if you want, he will stay with you for a long time or forever.

This is also a good time to clear your feelings or business matters. You can make significant, meaningful changes to your career or business. Fight for yourself and the Wheel of Fortune will begin to support and help you.

Numerological sevens


This is a good year and you have a lot of room for action here. You will be able to skillfully and sensitively overcome the greatest obstacles and threats. If at the moment you are in a difficult situation, remember that there is no force that can overcome you. Now it's time for you, now you can move on to achieving your goals and priorities. This is a good time to take what is due to you. You will not have to use force and violence, you will settle everything with gentleness, in addition, you will receive up-to-date information, become the owner of secrets that were previously hidden from you. Keep them diligently and use them at the right time and in the right place. This year can be a year of testing to see if you can overcome all the obstacles to your love and professional happiness. The second card invites you to follow your intuition and instinct. This is a good test for you, how much you know about yourself and how people feel. Remember, listen to your inner self, it will tell you who is good and who is bad. This is a good sign for seven students or other students. You will gain access to a higher level of knowledge reserved for the elite. Success and pleasure in learning and teaching, participation in scientific discoveries or the opportunity to write an award.

As long as you show strong will and faith in your strength, you will defeat an even stronger opponent. The key to victory is fortitude and sharp intuition, following these signs, you will move forward.

Numerological eights


This is also a good year, but it will require total concentration and abandonment of what you have done so far. If something is especially important to you, you cannot act either by force or in any other way. You just have to hang up the phone and look for other, yet undiscovered opportunities. The solution will turn out to be extremely simple and will come at the right time, the main thing is that you focus on your interior, and at the same time stop, relieve and relieve stress. Just like an executioner who at some point breaks away from the bustle of the world and seeks solutions in his own loneliness, trying to look at everything differently. Remember, however, that you will receive the Empress card while you are playing the Hanged Man. In short, you will succeed if you choose to pay the price. Of course, you will gain material comfort and luxury at the expense of something, maybe free time, or maybe lack of time for offspring. In a word, you have to weigh the pros and cons and decide what you want. Everything will come true, you can get a long-awaited pregnancy, you can get married, you can reach the top of your career.

Everything is ahead of you now, the most important thing is that decisions are not made too quickly and too decisively, you must let go of the situation, relax, it is best to postpone them in time. Only then can you count on love, abundance and prosperity.

Numerological Nines

DEATH and the CESSAR card

A good but definitely difficult year ahead of you. Difficult, because you are waiting for changes for which you do not necessarily need to be ready. However, thanks to the inner transformation, the transformation that you will undergo, everything that was impossible until now will become possible this year. Remember, this year a new stage of life awaits you, you will find happiness and your fortune. How things go is up to you. So don't fight the new one that's coming, because the new one will invade and force you to do things that will benefit you. External circumstances will even make it impossible for you to stay in structures or patterns that are tiring and prevent further development. This time, your passivity and staying in toxic relationships, family relationships, or professional structures will be compensated by higher factors. Everything can be mowed down and changed just to put you on the path that you will follow to your own happiness, satisfaction and well-being. There will come a moment when you will understand that you need to get down to business, put all your affairs in order and begin to implement your previous plans and intentions.

It is necessary to act quickly and decisively enough, there will not be much time to linger, everything is already over. Through such inner changes, you will make changes in your physical world and achieve emotional, emotional and financial stability. This year, some nines will change their place of residence, marital status or change jobs to do something completely different, which will give them great personal and material satisfaction.

Prepared by Ella Selena www.ellaselena.pl