» Magic and Astronomy » Learn the ritual of wealth with the Fehu rune.

Learn the ritual of wealth with the Fehu rune.

For everyone, wealth means something different. Someone has a villa with a pool, someone has no financial worries. Either way, the question is: How can we make sure we don't run out of money?

Of course, some will say - work and save. Invest wisely. Yes, good advice. But this may support it with some magicso that our efforts are not in vain. As you know, magic works with energies - space, objects, other people, but most of all with one's own energy. The next magical ritual is to guide it, give it shape, so that it begins to create a space-time favorable to our intentions. Friendly to our purposes.Ritual for wealth

Think about what you need money for, choose directions that are distant but achievable for you - a car, not a yacht, and relaxation, not your own castle in France. Prepare for every goal empty jar and stickeron which you will write what you are collecting for. Paint the bottom of each jar (outside) rune of wealth Fehu (preferably with a gold felt-tip pen or paint).

Wealth after wealth for all zodiac signs. 

Then decorate the jars with whatever you associate with financial success - gold ribbons, coins, sequins, all of these are a good idea if you feel it has to do with money. 

Place the jars on a windowsill, preferably one that is exposed to sunlight for a long time. Scatter a dozen gold pennies in the jars and put in two or three pieces of raw amber and rock crystal (this may be a small crumb). 

Finally, it's time for the less pleasant part - every time you want to spend money on something, consider whether you really need it. If not, put the money you save in banks instead of buying it. This will make it so that instead of feeling poorer for an unequipped thing, you will feel richer when you see your moneythat you send to achieve the desired goal. When the jar is full, put another one. You can also deposit the collected savings into your account. However, if you are more emotional about coins, leave the money in the banks. 

Wealth from the sun - magic to attract money.

You can also add small notes to the jars with your thoughts about your financial situation, goals, and dreams. You'll overflow them like this positive energy creation.

