» Magic and Astronomy » Life Instructions: 10 out of 20 rules you need to know!

Life Instructions: 10 out of 20 rules you need to know!

Life has its own rules, so to get the most out of it, you should get to know them. Without knowledge of the rules, existence is like visiting without a map - yes, it is possible, but rather, coincidence controls what happens next. You may come across what you wanted to see, but chances are you will miss most of the sights.

Below are 10 of the 20 rules on earth - with this guide you will get the best out of your life.


Principle 1: Life is made up of experiences

Life is about experiencing. All situations in life, both good and bad, are situations that need to be experienced. All the emotions that accompany them are extremely valuable, so do not deny yourself them. Sit comfortably in any situation, because everyone needs to be accepted and accepted for who they are. There is a rule of thumb that holding your arms and legs causes more pain. if you want to learn how to deal with the chaos in your life,. Therefore, no matter how bad and painful the experience is, go through it with peace of mind - it is just another experience to be added to the collection of experiences that make up life.


Rule 2: There are no failures, only trials

When we focus on the physical life, it is very easy to fall into a lower vibration. Then we lose our distance and look at life in a completely different way. But when we allow ourselves to take a mental step back, it turns out that the point of view changes - and significantly. A wider perspective allows you to see a completely different world. And this is how we usually perceive failures and mistakes - we take them very personally, and it is enough to look at them from the outside, accept that they are, because they are part of the experience (see rule 1) and treat them as a test. . Life without the feeling of failure is wonderful! Remember that there are no failures, there are trials.


Rule 3: Your body is your home

When your soul descends to earth, it receives a physical body to inhabit. In fact, this is some kind of hotel, means of transportation or just “clothing” for the soul. Love them or not, your soul will replace them with another only when you die. You can complain about your body and feel disgusted with yourself, but that won't change anything. However, having accepted his “clothes”, showing him respect and love, it turns out that everything changes. The body is for experiencing life and collecting memories, you don't have to love it and identify with it. All you have to do is respect them, just like your home.

Life Instructions: 10 out of 20 rules you need to know!

Rule 4: The lesson is repeated until you learn

At some point in your life, history may repeat itself. It can manifest itself at any level, although the topic of relations between a man and a woman is always in the lead in the survey. The men/women you meet along the way are copy-pasted from previous relationships. It all starts the same and the same - you come to a point where you can predict with amazing accuracy when your new girlfriend/your new boyfriend will betray you. If you see a pattern in your life, it means that you need to do a lesson - think about what you should do and what to focus on in order to break out of the pattern.


Rule 5: We are mirrors 

We have everything that we see in others. We are unable to perceive other traits than those known to us from our own experience. We don't see them because we don't know them, so we don't register.

Each person is our reflection. Everything that irritates you in another person irritates you in yourself. To hate and love individual traits is to hate and love yourself. Even if you deny it at first sight, it still exists for you, whether you are able to admit it or not. It is worth being aware of this and stopping for the moment when our emotions turn orange: the moment, how can I do this?


Rule 6: You always have what you need

Life is amazing because it always provides us with all the necessary tools and tips to cope with the life situation we are in. The problem is that sometimes it's hard to see options and emergency exits. When you allow yourself to become entangled in helplessness, when fear and despair rule you, you have no way to find a solution - you close yourself off from all the signals of fate. However, when you take a deep breath and look around, you will find that the solution is just around the corner. No panic! Only peace can save us. I would also like to add that this goes hand in hand with distance.


Rule 7: To get true love, you must have love inside of you.

If you don't have love, you won't know how to take care of it and how to show it. True love needs a foundation of self-love and love of the world. If you don't love yourself, you don't feel love in yourself and you don't love life, then true love will pass by - it will wait a moment until you know what love is.

Life Instructions: 10 out of 20 rules you need to know!

Rule 8: Only worry about what you can control

The ones you have no influence on - don't worry! Mainly because you are not going to do anything about it anyway, but only wasting energy that could be directed to something completely different. When you worry about the things you control, also be careful - complaining, whining and despair are the worst things you can use your energy reserves for. Direct him to action and problem solving.


Rule 9: Free Will

We have free will, and yet we ourselves fall into the golden cages prepared for us by systems, other people, social expectations or limitations in our head. When we begin to realize this fundamental principle of life on earth, it turns out that many of the uncomfortable questions that we are used to, we can simply refuse to accept. Limiting your own freedom or the freedom of another person is a violation of the rules of this game.


Rule 10: Fate

Before descending to earth, the Soul made a specific plan for spiritual development, which it wants to implement in this life. Knowing his cunning, in addition to the detailed plan, there was also a contingency plan and a minimum plan in case the ambition of the plan surpassed its author. We love to talk about this fate, and fate manifests itself in the fact that people appear in our lives (with whom, by the way, we agreed to deal with in this life) and situations, and often even a series of coincidences and accidents. that we are in one place and not in another place. Through this, we can experience different emotions, learn lessons, and balance the energy we owe in a previous incarnation. Fate is a card in your hands, and with it opportunities and talents (the so-called tools). It's up to you to let yourself be carried away by the adventure, follow the marked path, or slam the card into a solid ball and throw it behind you. Well... you have free will.

Part two is here:


Nadine Lu


Photo: https://unsplash.com