» Magic and Astronomy » Rune Pouch Keeper

Rune Pouch Keeper

With runic wallet protection, you will avoid theft. You won't lose anything, but you will gain a lot!

Rune Pouch Keeper

Without her, you will not go anywhere, she is your faithful companion and confidante. A handbag is every woman's best friend. Life is not easy, but I'm by your side every day. It's worth taking care of it!

bag guard is a set of special runes that will always have what you need in them, and make sure that outsiders do not stick their paws into it. To install Runic Ranger, you will need a piece of gray cardboard and a red rune marker. Go to work in the evening when your family won't disturb you. Light a white candle and - first - prepare a bag.


How to prepare a runic script?

First: remove all things from the bag, shake out the dust, clean. If you need to repair or wash your lining, do it now. In case it needs to dry out, make a Guardian and put it inside in the morning.

Second: when the wallet is clean and ready, cast a spell: “Let good magic and the power of runes protect everything bad and harmful from me and my things. My money, documents, keys, cosmetics, phone and wallet are always with me, let the power of the runes keep us together.

Thirdly: on cardboard, draw the runes that you find next to you. They can merge, penetrate each other; draw as you can. When the Sentinel is ready, run it over your purse three times counterclockwise. Pack the runes inside and then whatever you need.

Magic tip: Let your wallet rest! Once a month, preferably before the full moon, clean it up and see if the runes on the cardboard are still visible. If not, draw a new Guardian.

For men: In addition, the drawn TIWAZ rune will turn the Handbag Keeper into the Briefcase Keeper!


ALGIZ - Ranger helmet. He will chase away thieves and make sure there is always cash in the wallet. This is the most powerful defensive rune, it can keep all your things to itself.

RAIDO - Guard's shield. This will prolong the life of the material of the bag, take care of the straps and zippers, and ensure that you do not lose lipstick and other small things. In addition, she helps in everyday matters, with her in the store you will not miss an interesting promotion.

MANNAZ - to be beaten. It will remind you of your calendar, phone, business flash drive and charger. In addition, it guarantees good luck in solving various official issues!

– MK

  • Rune Pouch Keeper
    Rune Pouch Keeper