» Magic and Astronomy » Pisces Harmony

Pisces Harmony

Birthday is the time when you have to get back to your basics. The sun will enter your sign and you will restore your inner balance. You will achieve this through spiritual work.

Everything will work out, and you will finally feel that you are firmly on the ground.

Who will you be?Focused on their own affairs, more self-confident and insightful. Thanks to this, no one in the coming year will deceive you and use your enthusiasm for their own purposes. The influence of Mars will also make you more independent from others, take care of your money and benefits. Stay on your chosen path and people will influence you less than usual. If you want to cut yourself off, leave something behind and start over, Uranus will be happy to help.They will be the apple of your eye. The sun will force you to focus on being well-groomed and well-mannered. You will also spend more money on what they need to develop. Home renovations will also benefit the whole family, and this is a good year to start with. And if the children are already adults, you will also be happy to help them and tell them a lot in everyday matters. You will get along and spend more time together.You will be strong, but don't overdo it with the amount of tasks you take on.. To maintain a good mood, you need to move more, not necessarily at work. Uranus will help you find time to rest. Try something new: tennis, Nordic walking, or maybe yoga? This will make you feel much better. Various diets will also work. And if you get sick, don't run from the doctors! It turns out that you will find good specialists who will know how to help you. Take care of yourself in August. Be sure to go on vacation!MoneyThey are flowing towards you! Jupiter has higher returns starting April 2019. You can safely apply for a higher paying position, look for additional work and even start your own business. In 2019, happiness will smile at you. Also, the activities of past years will begin to bring you income. If you want to invest well in something now, look for opportunities. You can also more easily collect various debts and receivables that you had problems with in previous years. Finance is the strongest area of ​​the year, so pay close attention to it. What will bring you good luck?Money. Sounds trite, but they will give you a sense of security.. Thanks to them, you can more comfortably equip your apartment, set up a beautiful garden, or, finally, take care of your health. Because it's time for a decent bed and a dentist. And when you get comfortable and a little more luxurious, you will feel much better in your skin, then you will enjoy good books, TV shows, and maybe artistic hobbies. If you've never created anything, give it a try this year. Not for others, but for yourself.It's going to be a very busy year, but you won't complain. Mars will give you the strength to fight for a higher position and better money. And win. Focus on the most important tasks and, above all, change your approach. Instead of wasting time helping people who won't repay you anyway, focus on your tasks and ideas. There may be a little conflict for this, especially in August, because you will stop sacrificing yourself for free. But in the fall, it will turn out that such a procedure has paid off for you, because everyone will begin to take care of you much more.The most important thing for you is that the family lives in harmony. The sun will help you muffle old conflicts. You will take on the role of mediator and comforter until the relatives decide that you should be considered the head of the family. You will organize meetings, celebrations and property management. Most of this work will be completed at the turn of May and June. Married Pisces will strengthen their relationship, and single Pisces will not rush to choose a lover. Flirting and relationships are possible in April and September, but something can delay them. True love will overcome obstacles. And if not, then in November you will have another chance. Miloslava Krogulskaya

Pisces Mantra: I am calm and confident