» Magic and Astronomy » It's just Jupiter in Gemini

It's just Jupiter in Gemini

Do you feel like your life is a bit crazy? Don't miss opportunities, change plans and... don't get discouraged

This planetary climate will reign until summer...

Jupiter is in the same sign for about a year (and a few more days). Now he "walks" on the sign of Gemini. He entered this mark in June 2012 and will be released at the end of June this year. So we will be under the influence of Jupiter in Gemini for almost half a year.

Gemini in a square

Ancient astrologers assigned signs to planets: each sign in their system had a ruling planet. Gemini got Mercury as their king - and rightly so, because people under the sign of Gemini have a lot in common with those for whom Mercury occupies an important place in the horoscope. They are quick-witted, intelligent, well-read, mobile, thirst for knowledge, see and know more than they feel.

In turn, Jupiter became the ruler of Sagittarius, the opposite sign of Gemini. In this ancient system, this meant that Jupiter in Gemini (opposite the sign he rules) is "in exile" - and therefore weakened and degraded. But they thought so two thousand years ago ... Today's astrological observations show that everything is in order with Jupiter in Gemini. Being in this sign, it acts as an enhancer of the typical traits and properties of Gemini.

You will feel it too!

Are the twins mentally unbalanced, scattered, scattered? Jupiter in Gemini makes our life less measured and reliable, fashion and economic trends are constantly changing. You have to change plans, learn new professions and follow all the news. And all this is momentary, indefinite. No wonder the early Greeks attributed Gemini to changeable signs.

Gemini wants to talk, study, read and study? Thanks to Jupiter in Gemini, catching the news and getting to know brand new knowledge becomes a necessity in life, because if you do not, for example, you will be fired from the company. Gemini also like to do several things at the same time. At the same time, they talk, read a book, watch TV or a computer screen, stroke a cat and bite a sandwich.

When Jupiter is in Gemini, you also have a few things to do, even if you don't have a planet in Gemini. You have to take advantage of opportunities, bet on multiple options at once, be a multi-professional and run multiple businesses at the same time. When Jupiter moves into Cancer in the summer of 2013, it will be time for specialization and concentration. We live in this crazy time. Relax, this will change in five months.