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Trees of life and creativity

Trees were once sacred

Trees were once sacred. They protected, healed, connected us with the gods!

Recently, I was standing with my family in the square, where instead of a dozen or two perennial trees, only cut trunks stuck out of the ground. A woodpecker was sitting on one of them, and it was clear that he did not know what to do with himself. Looking at this, we cursed the frivolity of the people who committed this massacre. Some gentleman with a dog, having heard us, said with irritation that the hysteria over Lex Shishko is a kind of paranoia of educators.

Guys, you don't have enough problems. These are normal trees. And he left, muttering something else under his breath. Just ordinary trees, I thought. How far we have moved away from our roots in the XNUMXth century…

Fruits of Immortality

People from time immemorial they worshiped trees. After all, the forest fed them, gave them shelter. When humanoid man began to fight for survival, broken limbs became the first weapon he could use to defend or attack his opponent. Trees served as building material for the walls of houses and the palisades of fortified cities. Thanks to them, we were able to see the first flame of fire that allowed humanity to make a civilizational leap.

But perhaps more importantly, what they gave to our spirituality. After all, they became the seed of the first beliefs, the first religions. This is about Tree of Life (life). We can find mention of it in the culture of ancient China, the Mesopotamian peoples, the Celts and the Vikings. We remember from the Bible that two sacred trees grew in paradise - the knowledge of good and evil and life. Both are inaccessible to humans. And when Adam and Eve ate an apple (or a peach in another version) from the tree of knowledge, God expelled them from paradise so that they would not dare to eat the fruit of the tree of life. And therefore get immortality. Some Taoist stories also mention a peach tree that was three thousand years old, and eating its fruit gave immortality.

Modern researchers of the beliefs of ancient peoples are inclined to believe that the tree that bore fruit, gave shelter and was reborn every year in the next spring cycle, became the personification idea of ​​eternity. Moreover, the trees are long-lived - one of the American species of pine (Pinus longaeva) can live almost five thousand years! Recall that in past centuries people lived an average of about thirty-something years.

An oak that could grow to a thousand seemed to last forever. Hence the Celts oak groves considered sacred and haunted by the gods. Oak and olive groves have been a sacred place for centuries, they were celebrated there religious rituals. Moreover, the belief that they hide the secret of youth and longevity is fueled by the healing properties of some trees. In the beliefs of the peoples of Western America, the cedar is still identified with the giver of life, because medicines that fight many diseases are still made from its bark, leaves and resin. How about quinine from cinchona bark or aspirin from willow bark? To this day, people take the energy of trees, which strengthens them and even heals them. Birch gives different vibrations, another willow or oak. Even maple, which many consider a weed tree.

In the Shadow of Yggdrasil 

They are also a symbol order of the universe. Thanks to an ancient ash tree called Yggdrasil and its vast offshoots, the Norse god Odin could travel between the nine worlds. Moreover, he sacrificed himself. Hanging upside down on a Yggdrasila branch for 9 days, he experienced constant suffering and thus became enlightened. He learned the meaning of the runic signs that he gave to people.

We see this self-sacrifice in one of the Great Arcana of the Tarot - Hanged. The card tells us that all is not as it seems and that a rebirth is about to take place. The Chinese also believed in a world tree. A phoenix lived in its branches, and a dragon lived between its roots. This became the basis for the creation of feng shui, an extraordinary philosophy and knowledge of energy flows.

Therefore, when I see the thoughtless cutting down of old trees, my soul suffers. After all, they are our friends, some saw the birth of civilization. Let's remember this!

Hug a tree! This is the advice of specialists working with the energies of nature. Get to know your power tree!

Berenice fairy

  • Trees of life and creativity
    Trees of life and creativity