» Magic and Astronomy » What makes a Virgo happy? Find out your lucky charms!

What makes a Virgo happy? Find out your lucky charms!

Pomegranate is the color of those who rule justly and obey the law. After all, these are your features and your color, dear Virgo. Find out what your tarot card, lucky animal, talisman and rune look like. Help your happiness!

Pomegranate is the color of those who rule justly and obey the law. After all, these are your features and your color!

tarot card: Hermit.

Humble, with great experience and great wisdom. In Tarot, this card speaks of the search for truth. It will help to put things in order around you and find answers to your questions.

Angel: Zuriel.

Angel of wisdom and life teachings. He is the patron of peace, reconciliation and righteousness of character. He takes special care of people who work hard and honestly, and pays them the due wages for their efforts.

stone: Sapphire.

It is called the stone of wisdom, because Virgo is guided by reason in her life. It has an antiseptic effect, so it will protect against germs.

Symbol: Pyramid.

This is a sign of our connection with the earth and the universe. It gives strength and energy. Her image appears on the dollar bill and ... in textbooks on healthy eating.

Mascot: Ankh Cross.

Ankh in the language of the ancient Egyptians means life. This sign of great power was placed on sarcophagi because it was supposed to guarantee the survival of the soul after death. Virgo will give excellent health, inexhaustible strength and a lot of happiness.

Color: Grenade.

It is the color of those who rule justly and always keep the law. Therefore, the police wear dark blue uniforms.

Rune: Sowilo.

Its shape resembles lightning, and that's how it works. It adds energy and self-confidence. She will help the Virgin to abandon false modesty and say: I am beautiful!

Animal: Squirrel.

This small graceful animal is a model of prudence for which the Virgin is famous. He spends most of his time stocking up for the winter. It also helps to plant a forest - thanks to it, many trees have grown.

Planet: Mercury.

He also patronizes Gemini, but works differently with Virgo. Instead of constantly changing her interests, she encourages the patient study of knowledge in one chosen area. With his support, Virgo has a chance to become a real expert.