» Magic and Astronomy » Black cat

Black cat

It was this cheeky animal that ran towards you.

It was this impudent animal that ran towards you. But don't worry, a real witch doesn't need to be afraid of him!

Whether it's in Toronto or Warsaw, everyone knows that when a black cat runs past, you have to spit over your left shoulder, cross yourself, or at least cross two fingers (forefinger and ring finger). These ways will prevent misfortune.

Some say it's still better to stop at the sight of a cat crossing the road and wait for someone else to cross the road and cut off the evil amulet (bad luck only applies to the one who saw the feline culprit). Others don't compromise and after such a great meeting they come back home to sit for a while, then go out again and of course go the other way.

If the stubborn pet runs down the road again, things just won't work out that day. Cats go their separate ways and don't seem to be bothered by human ideas. Today they are a little better than in the old days.

In the Middle Ages, crazy witch hunters believed that Satan himself could incarnate in a cat, preferably a black one, of course, because this is the color of hellish tar. It was assumed that the cats were doing errands for the witches. They eavesdropped on the secrets of decent people, stole success, conjured and strangled unbaptized babies.

In exchange for these small favors, the witches fed them milk from their third nipple, which they had grown shortly after making a pact with Satan. Today, there is no reason why a modern witch should be afraid of meeting a cute kitten. If things don't go wrong in the morning, it will fall out of your hands and be more stressful than usual.

Maybe then fate sends a wise animal to meet us, because it wants to ask: “Why are you rushing like that? Stop, go to a cafe for a cup of coffee, sit quietly for a while and you will find a solution to complex cases. And let other unfortunate people run at breakneck speed!
