» Magic and Astronomy » Black panther - a touch of femininity

Black panther - a touch of femininity

When a panther appears during meditation, you initially enjoy its pliable body, feline agility and the status of a predator that can do anything. All of this is true, but the black panther often uses his powers from the shadows. Femininity arises from the lack of love on the part of the man, on the part of the father.

The Black Panther has a greatly distorted image of a person in life. She may fear an inaccessible father who has too much control over her sexuality, her youth, and her being a woman. Rarely is such a father able to show love with words, with hugs, because he himself is stuck in the pattern of being a respected and dangerous father, like a Catholic god in heaven.

Black panther - a touch of femininity

source: www.freeisoft.pl

Maybe the black panther heard every day from her sisters and friends, mother or aunt how hopeless these guys were when she was a little girl. An evil whisper, like poison poured into the ear, creates an egregor of a person who is not worth loving, because he is so bad. Like evil witches standing with a poisoned apple feeding the little panther the lie that a man's love is like medicine. And the little panther fell asleep like Snow White, dreaming of a prince on a white horse. In all melodramas, sloppy plots were shown, grown in the imagination of a young woman to the rank of an unsurpassed model. Such a black panther created the image of a partner from all sorts of shortcomings. And he is looking for one - and even worse - he finds in his adult life.

Having grown into an adult woman, she still had a little girl who listened to various nonsense about men and believed them. In adult life, the black panther attracts exactly the kind of men that she learned in childhood with her thoughts about a partner. He quickly finds a person who fits into such a pattern. Usually this is a little boy who has never received mother's love and is unable to repay a woman with love, despite the fact that he loves. He was usually treated in childhood as a partner, or rather his image, because his mother did not really love her husband and shifted all expectations to her son. After all, she was a black panther who did not know her father's love. Because her father was the son of a black panther. Exactly. Karma flows. And it must be interrupted.


Black panther - a touch of femininity

Source: www.klankrwawegokla.blogspot.com

Black Panthers are usually women who are in high demand in corporations, in high positions, in careers. Because they are cold bitches who are determined to pursue their goals. Since they have never experienced heat, they see only victims or adversaries in their environment. Like in the jungle. In the relationship between a man and a woman, the panther is also a predator. Men are often seen by her as playing mice and collecting trophies. A free woman won't take care of a guy, will she? If someone who is sensitive and can love loves it, he becomes henpecked. If the panther meets a little boy, she wants to change him according to her expectations, so the venomous talks and quarrels are endless. There is still control and mistrust. To hurt themselves or seek solace, they both run into betrayal, seeking the love of their dreams, fairy tales.

The lack of love from childhood made the little panther grow into a predator. But she is still looking for the white prince from the fairy tale of Snow White, who will wake her from a nightmarish world without love. Because every panther wants to love. And he can do it, but he doesn't know it.


Black Panther is convinced that love must be earned. That you love something, so black panthers are often boring, obviously proving their knowledge with numerous certificates, the most sophisticated travel and sports activities. At work, she works from morning to evening, so that her boss notices and appreciates her. Not for who she is, but for what she did. Yet love is undeserved. Everyone has the right to be loved and to love.

Jealousy and aggression

When a panther sees a happy relationship - envy. When one of her friends looks better or succeeds, she gets jealous and talks about it. She is demanding and aggressive towards children, because in this way she compensates for the lack of love in her own childhood. Anger and aggression spilled over her black fur. In addition, she treats herself the same way as her own children.

Black panthers usually look great. Fitness, well-groomed nails, constant diets and an impeccable hairstyle. Outwardly, it looks like taking care of your body. In fact, this is training to be better and more beautiful. The discipline for the body is not to be itself. Disagreeing with a painful period, a bad day at work, or going to the store without make-up are her daily lashes on the back with a whip. Modern self-slavery. Very tiring.

Creation murder

Such women often have problems with their own creation. Bad maternal karma, which I call "black panther syndrome," is overprotection of children that justifies not having time for your own hobbies. This is too much control over a partner, rejection of any partners by adult children, disloyalty to sisterly relationships and companionship. Too much interference in the lives of others leads to a lack of time for yourself and your hobbies. Wings clipped by bad whispers and comments that hurt like pins. In such a relationship, one's own creativity can only be obscured or absent altogether. And it is known that without creativity a woman disappears, gets sick, turns gray. A common disease of black panthers is cancerous growths of the female part of the body. Because the Soul of the Black Panther rejects the feminine. Black Panther is still a little girl who did not know the love of her father and mother, who poisoned the girl's image of her father. Because she had the same karmic problem. Not showing love, but hugs, closeness and tenderness are as natural as breathing.


Black panther - a touch of femininity

source: www.astrotranslatio.com

The black panther is a symbol of the female shadow and it is this animal, more in the form of a black cat, that helps the woman to pass through this shadow and, most importantly, to get out of it. I think now it dawned on me why the fairy tale witches had a black cat next to them, right? The witch is also the shadow of a woman - a symbol of femininity that men fear and fight against. This is a black panther, a predator, independent, aggressive, who sometimes uses his power in black magic. This is the biblical Lilith, who was expelled from Paradise by men because she demanded love. Because Lilith hates to ask. She demands praise and applause. Herd competition is her element. And out of competition, envy is born again.

Black cat, black panther takes all the bad consequences of this karma. And this, paradoxically, heals her. A spark of unconditional love is enough. It is enough for Lilith to put the cat on her knees and stroke her, embracing her like a talisman. Purring resonates with the frozen heart, which slowly lets in sparks of tenderness, softness and warmth.

love heals

Under the influence of love acquired in various ways, the black panther softens and acquires other, more golden colors. She becomes a kitten who trustingly stretches her body under the hand of the caretaker caressing her. How to make such a transformation? In my opinion, there are several stages:

  1. Black panther - a touch of femininityA return to one's own intuition and the wild woman in oneself, that is, to the love of one's own nature. At this stage, women help - she-wolves who love nature and freedom. The black panther, communicating with the she-wolves, begins to appreciate walks in the forest, lazy evenings by the fire. Still incredulous, albeit curious, he begins to explore the power of women who listen to their hearts. Intuition heals the inner pulse. Then sisters like her appear around the she-wolf panther, looking for their own kind. They learn to cooperate, trust and sisterly treat each other.
  2. Trust yourself. When a panther-wolf feels its strength, it really wants freedom. He takes him around the world, discovers numerous master classes and methods of self-development. He tries to learn as many secrets as possible in order to get to the bottom of himself. She feels that inside her, in her heart, there is something important, extremely important. But what could it be? The determination of her panther leads her to the goal. Sometimes the decision to divorce is made at this stage.
  3. Panther sees changes in himself, softens. This process teaches her patience and humility. Panther turns into a donkey who stubbornly rushes forward, despite the difficulties, because he knows that there, at the top, he will find the truth about himself. This love of truth is the great driving force for the various experiences that the panther ventures into.
  4. The truth and something extremely important in the panther itself is, of course, unconditional love, which the panther is initially unable to open up to. He doesn't believe he has it. She only sees an icicle in her heart because she already knows how much evil she has done so far. Her tears of grief, sorrow, apology cleanse, water that will melt the ice in her heart.
  5. After a period of weeping and cleansing, there comes a moment of forgiveness. For myself, my relatives and all my brothers and sisters. The awareness built in this process teaches the panther that everything was necessary in order to arrive at true love in this way.
  6. Gratitude is born for this process, which so strengthened and illuminated the panther's heart. Everything takes on different colors. On the other hand, he sees not only himself, but also male and female sisters. Everything is slowly warming up, trying to experience love.
  7. Finally comes the desire to experience love, pure, unconditional love. Panther then discovers that she has always had love, but has not accepted it until now. Because as a little girl, she had heard that he didn't exist. And even worse, she believed it and experienced her own disbelief in love. Because we attract to life what we think about.

Black panther - a touch of femininityLovely panthers! There is no lack of love. This is a program of the mind, which is embedded in us from birth, only so that the mind can guide us. Each person has a huge amount of love in himself and is able to show it if he trusts and loves himself, trusts and loves another person unconditionally. She will trust and love the universe. Then the black panther acquires a glow, the kundalini awakens in it, that is, the natural potential and vitality, thanks to which the panther moves mountains. Panther gains an appetite for life, begins to truly take care of herself, gets enough sleep, leaves the corporation, begins to create, enjoys cooking, appreciates family life and begins to fight for the partner she has always loved. And there is no subjugation or competition. There is harmony and the search for one's place in relationships. This is not about equality and partnership, but about respect and trust. In relationships with men, the panther comes to the conclusion that if she herself does not show love, she will not experience it from men. Because energy exchange is necessary and it is worth starting this process with yourself. Giving love, you load yourself with love, multiplied by the effect.

Only love heals mother's bad karma, and turns an aggressive black panther into an affectionate, happy cat purring in her lap.

Dora Roslonska