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Human demonic characters

We all know werewolves, witches and sorcerers. Did you know that in Lithuania it is believed that witches fly on shovels? Where are their roots, what are their characteristics and how to protect yourself from them.

werewolf (Old Polish werewolf, from Proto-Slavic vlkodlak)

Description: A werewolf was a person who could take the form of a wolf at a certain time (for example, on a full moon). Then he became dangerous to others, attacked in a murderous frenzy, somehow in a trance. After returning to human form, he usually did not remember what he did with wolf fur, because most often he simply did not realize that such an event had taken place. There were stories among the people about abandoned wolf skins found in the forest, putting on which led to metamorphoses.

Appearance: Werewolves were depicted as huge wolves with burning eyes, sometimes speaking with a human voice; be also half wolf, half human.

Safety: Best of all, the werewolf was protected by silver, which he hated. Silver bullets, silver blades, silver arrows count - the werewolf cannot be defeated by any classic weapon.

origin: A werewolf could be the result of a congenital ailment, when a person could turn into a wolf in a convenient situation, or the result of spells - both cast on oneself and cast by another person with certain magical abilities. A person bitten by another werewolf also became a werewolf.

See also: Wolf, werewolf - dream book

Witch (witch, shrew, woman, faggot, witch, matocha)

Description: The etymology of the word "witch" (formerly "witch") is clear - a witch means a knowledgeable person. The term was used to describe people who practiced healing, divination, divination, and sorcery—or whatever was considered sorcery at the time. It can be assumed that initially, witches enjoyed the respect and respect of women due to the extraordinary skills that they possessed. During the Inquisition and witch hunts, and even earlier, they began to be identified only with evil, persecuted and destroyed. They were credited with causing hail, drought or downpours and the exit of rivers from their channels, causing crop failure and the invasion of various pests. Besides the fact that they could heal, they were mainly engaged in causing harm to health, causing illness and even death to people.

They cast dangerous spells on their neighbors and their livestock, either for profit or in retaliation for wrongs or harm done to them. They could induce obsession on a person with the help of the so-called "evil look". They knew how to "ask" someone for love and with the same success "take it away". A witch assisting in childbirth could put a harmful spell on the child, which led to misfortune - the child died shortly after birth. In Christian times, witches met at sabbats, where they flew on brooms and horns (including in Poland), on shovels (in Lithuania), or on the backs of accidentally caught werewolves.

Appearance: Witches were usually old, thin and ugly women; sometimes they were given iron legs and teeth. With the ability to cast spells and spells, they could transform into young women or take on the form of any chosen animal.

Safety: Different, depending on the era, region and beliefs.

origin: Witches were seen mainly in older women - but over time, and, for example, in their daughters, young girls - herbalists, healers, people avoiding people, lonely and mysterious.

Where did witches come fromthe legend of the first witch in the Slavic world.

It happened a long time ago, shortly after the creation of the world. The young girl lived with her parents in a small village surrounded by dense forests. Unfortunately, the sources do not give her name, but it is known that she was very smart and intelligent, and at the same time extremely beautiful and charming.

One day, at a pale dawn, a woman went into the forest for mushrooms. As soon as she had time to leave the village, cross the field and drown in the trees, a fierce wind rose, and torrents of rain poured from the sky. Trying to hide from the downpour, the girl stopped under a sprawling tree. Since the day was warm and sunny, she decided to take off her clothes and put them in the mushroom basket so they wouldn't get wet. She did so, stripped naked, folded her clothes neatly, and hid them under the tree in a basket.

After a while, when the rain stopped pouring, the prudent girl got dressed and wandered into the forest for mushrooms. Suddenly, from behind one of the trees, a shaggy goat, black as pitch and wet from the rain, emerged, which soon turned into a hunched old man with a long gray beard. The girl's heart beat faster because she recognized the old man Veles, the god of magic, supernatural phenomena and the underworld.

"Don't be afraid," said Veles, noticing the fear in her beautiful dark eyes. "I just wanted to ask you a question - what kind of magic did you use to stay dry during the rain that just swept through the forest?"

The wise woman thought for a moment and replied, "If you tell me the secrets of your magic, I'll tell you how I didn't get wet in the downpour."

Impressed by her beauty and grace, Welles agreed to teach her all of his magical arts. When the day was coming to an end, Veles finished entrusting the secrets to the beautiful girl, and she told him how she took off her clothes, put them in a basket and hid them under a tree as soon as the downpour broke.

Wells, realizing that he had been cleverly deceived, flew into a rage. But he could only blame himself. And the young woman, having thus learned the secrets of Veles, became the first witch in the world who, over time, was able to transfer her knowledge to others.

Witch  (also sometimes called a witcher, as the masculine gender of a witch)

Description: Like his female counterpart, the sorcerer was engaged in healing, divination and witchcraft. L. Ya. Pelka in his "Polish Folk Demonology" divides sorcerers into several types. Some, called blinders as invisible, are accustomed to invading rich and prosperous hosts in order to seek and find wealth hidden somewhere. By hurting others, they achieved great wealth and then led a proud and joyful existence. Others, sorcerers, were mainly engaged in healing people, divination and divination. They wielded considerable power, but did not use it for evil purposes. They attached great importance to educating themselves worthy, righteous and honest successors. Still others, charlatans, concentrated their magical activity exclusively on the issue of improving the health of people and livestock. Sorcerers, on the other hand, were a special kind of sorcerer, hailing from cities.

appearance: Mostly not young males with gray hair; loners living on the outskirts of villages, or mysterious travelers roaming the country.

Safety: Unnecessary, or see a witch.

origin: Like witches, sorcerers have been seen in older, wiser men who are skilled in herbalism, quackery, and healing people.

A source - Ezoter.pl