» Magic and Astronomy » Was the seal of St. Benedict the same as the medal of St. Benedict? What is the inscription on this medal - above the cross IHS or PAX?

Was the seal of St. Benedict the same as the medal of St. Benedict? What is the inscription on this medal - above the IHS or PAX cross?

The Seal of Saint Benedict is a medal of Saint Benedict with the image of the saint on one side and his cross on the other. Both PAX and IHS are correct. You must decide for yourself to feel which one is closer to you. If you're on the go with a master Jesus figure, grab the IHS. But here his Catholic egregor may appear while you are connected or were connected with the church. PAX is the world, so stay safe 🙂Was the seal of St. Benedict the same as the medal of St. Benedict? What is the inscription on this medal - above the IHS or PAX cross?