» Magic and Astronomy » Storms on the Sun and the pulse of the Earth. It drives us.

Storms on the Sun and the pulse of the Earth. It drives us.

Are you excited to the limit, and sometimes you feel tired already in the middle of the day? The energy of destruction vibrates in you, you meet a shadow ... It's all because of the storms on the Sun and the pulse of the Earth. These phenomena have a profound effect on us. There is a recipe for this!

Apparently, man originated from the union of Heaven and Earth. If so, then it has a connection with both, and the changes taking place there are of particular concern to us.

The time of the greatest solar activity, i.e., solar storms - the moments of plasma separation from its corona - give rise to the northern lights. They also affect the Earth's pulse rate and therefore how you feel. In the middle of May, the Sun was playing, and in addition there was a full moon in Scorpio, in a word, riding without a rudder. Did you feel it? Yes, see the lunar horoscope.What is the pulse of the earth?

Otto Schumann, a German physicist in the 50s, noticed that the Earth's magnetic field and the ionosphere around it form a resonant tube. He found that the Earth pulsates at a frequency of 7,83 Hz. This value increases, at the moment it is approximately 16 Hz. 

So we can say that the Earth makes us think, act, react faster, that is, live in a higher gear.

The pulse of the Earth is fed by discharges and solar storms. Therefore, frequency changes Schumann resonance, indicate an increase in solar activity. The moon is also a signal for strong change. The last full moon in Scorpio on May 18 was a meeting of the shadows. Some (mostly women) have the wrath of the berserkers. Ladies feel more and more emotions going through them. In this way, they help everyone, including themselves, to free themselves from the traumas and limitations that have been stretching from generation to generation. Also, the next time your partner is enveloped in a red fog of aggression, give her electrolytes and calmness, and after the full moon, when she calms down, do not forget to say thank you. 

Others, faced with these energetic changes, go to bed and lie down all day. It makes no sense to blame yourself for the fact that today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow you are doing only the necessary minimum. It makes no sense to sit down and it is better to literally go with the flow of these changes. Others, as sometimes happens, have never eaten meat, and suddenly they have a call for blood, and they must eat a hamburger, otherwise they will suffocate. And therein lies the problem: beliefs against the call of the body. The energy of death or the lower vibration that is in the meat is also needed sometimes. This will help you better handle big changes.How easier it is to endure that the Sun and the Earth serve us:

1. Respect all your emotions and needs.

2. Stay hydrated - drink water with a pinch of Cladava salt.

3. Get enough sleep.

4. Eat what your body asks for.

5. Eat fruits and vegetables. They will strengthen your vitality.

6. Move, movement allows you to throw out emotions.

7. Get a body massage at least once a week and stretch daily. Yoga is good for these things.

8. Ground yourself. Come barefoot, lie down on the grass.

9. If you have a lot of difficult emotions, wash your face, hands and feet with cold water.MW
