» Magic and Astronomy » Banana libido?! It's all because of Mars.

Banana libido?! It's all because of Mars.

After the leadership of the National Museum seized the photographs of a woman eating a banana, considering them scandalous, a national dispute broke out in our country. Banana madness can be associated with Mars (he rules bananas and passions) and with the square of Mars and Neptune, which brings chaos.

Works by Natalia LL "Consumer Art" and Katarzyna Kozyra "The Appearance of Lou Salome" disappeared from the National Museum. On April 27, Gazeta Wyborcza reported that the Ministry of Culture had demanded the removal of designs by some of the most famous female artists of contemporary art, deeming them "scandalous." And it started!  

Recall that it was from April 27 that the square of Mars and Neptune began to control our emotions.

Such a system of planets brings chaos, strong words, final decisions and an attempt to shift the blame on others. We also feel a strong need to resist evil and bad deeds. Bananas heal and protect.For banana censorship Art Social networks reacted with lightning speed - many anonymous and famous people related to art posted avatars with bananas. There were also tons of images of bananas, some of them… they were pretty frivolous. 

On April 29, a banana protest will take place at the National Museum. More than 3 people will eat bananas to protest censorship.

Some people associate banana with eating it, others don't. Of course, a lot depends on the culture... In China, bananas are offered in temples along with a request for a good education, work, wisdom, knowledge and understanding of the world. In Thailand, funerary decorations are carved from bananas; in India, bananas are associated with a mantra that awakens higher consciousness. You can protest, be indignant and even scandalize with shameless bananas, but one must not forget about one thing. Full of potassium, a starch (essential for workouts), bananas are healthy, tasty, easy to digest, and supposedly great for libido. When it stays for a long time and its skin becomes covered with dark spots, it is perfect for making bread. Here's the recipe: Banana bread for creativity.PZ
