» Magic and Astronomy » Astrological forecast for 22.02.2022/XNUMX/XNUMX! FREEDOM IN RELATIONSHIPS

Astrological forecast for 22.02.2022/XNUMX/XNUMX! FREEDOM IN RELATIONSHIPS

This day is full of Energies of Cooperation and Harmony.

We are still influenced by the union of Mars and Venus (in Capricorn), which pushes us to work together. Act for a purpose. Their energy encourages us as partners to roll up our sleeves, clarify and actively conquer the world. Effects count for this duet. Since we are Together, let's use our possibilities and give the Plans a real place in Matter.

And today, on the date of the Two, symbolizing Cooperation, Synergy, Balance, Reconciliation of Opposites, another Conjunction takes place - the Union of Mercury and Juno (in Aquarius).

The role of Juno is to give us Fulfillment, Intimacy, Stability and Joy. Where Juno is in the horoscope, there are our obligations, passion and passion. He makes sure that our marriages, undertakings, the most important steps or even contracts are for us a happy path, a process that brings Joy, not torment and worries. She is the patroness of successful relationships and fidelity.

Combined with Mercury, they give an amazing ability to communicate and understand what we want to invest in in our lives. It is almost a telepathic channel for us and our partners to see our Goals together and maybe find a New Path that we can walk together! This is a great chance to see everything with common eyes - if, of course, both sides want it. Both sides must be ready to continue this path, to strengthen themselves through the exchange of opinions, through Refreshment, Renewal, in order to bring Good.

This day teaches you what is the blessing of allies, friends, partners! The fact that we are not alone and with whom we deal depends only on us!!! We have a choice of who we accept as friends - and what they are for at all.

When you cannot clearly define what you want from a Partner, the Universe will send you such people to finally figure it out. When you don't care who you're up against... that's what you become.


This is the time when we actively decide who deserves to be called our partner.

Let's make this decision Consciously and Responsibly - in the sincerity of the Heart.


And if you feel like you need to change your current relationship, if you're tired of something - or you just need something new - then this is the perfect time!

Uranus adds its 3 cents to this Conjunction, enhancing the Energies of Newness, Refreshment and Change. And even - to meet someone new who shares our hobbies.

Of course, this aspect will work for everyone in a different part of life (and for Juno for everyone!) - but globally, when Juno connects with Mercury, they send us a Wave of Breakthrough, New, Humanitarian and simply Good decisions. I highly recommend you read where exactly this aspect will sound to you!

It's great that such Partnership-oriented Energies (from the point of view of Astrology) accumulate with the entire Numerical Arsenal of Twos! So let's make the best use of the Energy of this Day.

I wish you a wonderful pastime, full cooperation, mutual understanding and union in the name of Good!

Best regards,

Agata Pitula



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