» Magic and Astronomy » Archangel Michael - if you need protection

Archangel Michael - if you need protection

There are times when we are faced with situations in which we do not feel safe. The desire to protect can refer to both our daily activities and our ritual activities. We can boldly ask for support from the Angelic Forces, and we will not be denied protection by the Archangel Michael or, in the Polonized version, by the Archangel Michael.

Archangel Michael, one of the senior Archangels, leads the Angels of the Heavenly Ray, as well as the Angels of the House of the Sun. The Blue Ray is responsible for protection (the blue angelic color is so important in visions and on the altar), and the Angels of the House of the Sun are very solar, causal energies that quickly take root in matter.

What does this mean for us? Archangel Michael's primary activity is protection, so in any moment of danger, he is the most appropriate Angelic Force to be asked to protect us. If we surround ourselves with the blue ball of his energy, we can be sure that we will be protected. If we feel energetically attacked, we also get help. With the help of Archangel Michael, we can protect ourselves in advance, and in emergencies we can act defensively, whether the intervention involves ourselves or we ask someone else to take care of. Remember, however, that the Angelic Forces respect the free will of a person, and if a person does not want this on any level (for example, his soul decides that this situation should be a lesson for him and should experience the full range of consequences), they will respect him and will not interfere. . Moreover, no matter what our request is, this Angel will act on her, protecting her - when she is asked to look after the finances, he will protect them from shrinkage, etc.

Archangel Michael - if you need protection

source: zarata.info

The name of this Archangel is translated as "Who is like God." He is one of the most famous and important archangels, and his name - in addition to being mentioned in the Bible as one of the three angelic names - is also found on. He has been known in other cultures for many centuries - he was already worshiped by the Celts, Chaldeans and Egyptians. In the three great religions, his role is to take care of the believers. In Kabbalah, he is the guardian of the kingdom of Tiphareth.

His memorial day is celebrated by some denominations on 29 September. He is the patron of the police.

His attribute is the sword, which often cuts us off from threats and obstacles. If a person's perception requires them to show themselves to be a winged being, they will most likely appear in ancient Roman-style military attire, with long blond hair and, of course, long lace-up sandals. However, remember that for the Angels, our perception is something funny (because they lack a sense of humor), and if they know that this will not scare us, chances are that they will not always look the same.

During the invocation on the altar, we call on Archangel Michael in the south as the one in charge of the Earth Element, so his action will be very grounding and help to happen on the plane of matter.

Another character with a similar radius that she interacts with is Lady Vera, or the Arch of Vera, who helps people navigate spirituality. As a master, he often collaborates with Mary, and it is a great idea to entrust your children to their care immediately after they are born so that nothing that could block their potential will work.

When cleaning various places, for example, with the help of or, it is worth asking this Angelic Power to fill this place with its light and support us in the whole process. We can use ready-made prayers or remember in our own words. There are no major restrictions here.

Archangel Michael will be an excellent guide when we lack courage - he will help us find it in ourselves, he will also be able to motivate us. Its important mission is also to cleanse the fear that keeps us below our potential. It can remind us of our life goals and push us to fulfill them. Moreover, all doubts and confusing situations will also decrease and cease to come into contact with his light. It will also help us with the truth—both getting to it and speaking the truth, even in difficult situations. This will certainly cheer us up and show us how to direct our energy in moments of defenselessness and help us believe in ourselves.

Agnieszka Niedzwiadek


Virtue, Doreen. Spiritual Masters. Synerhie CZ sro, Prague, 2009

Virtue, Doreen. Archangels and Ascended Masters, A guide to cooperation with the holy deities. Astropsychology Studio, Bialystok, 2010.

Virtue, Doreen. 101 angels. Astropsychology Studio, Bialystok, 2007.

Ruland, Jeanne. The Great Book of Angels - names, stories and rituals. KOS Publishing House, Katowice, 2003.

Ruland, Jeanne. Luminous power of angels. Publisher Kos, Katowice, 2004.

Webster, Richard. Angels and spirit guides. Publishing house Illuminatio, Bialystok, 2014.

Tuan, Laura. Voices of angels. ARS SCRIPT-2, Bialystok, 2005.

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