» Magic and Astronomy » The Devil's Advocate

The Devil's Advocate

Complaining and sorcery is an addiction - an unpleasant one that pours into the consciousness and destroys its owner, destroys his relationship with the environment and, worst of all, is transmitted as a model to his offspring.

There are easy and complex addictions. You can quit smoking overnight, like drinking vodka, and nothing bad will happen.

The situation is different with severe addictions, such as overeating and the excess weight associated with it. You cannot give up food like you can give up cigarettes: you cannot give up food completely, otherwise you will be hungry.

Complaining (and seeing black) is like overeating. You can't suddenly stop complaining - because how can they be distinguished from common sense and the factual assessment of the situation, which often must contain some kind of negative judgment? If you were to reject all negative thinking, you would have to accept absolutely everything that comes. So: “Headache? This is amazing!".

Someone demands that you pay him a thousand zlotys for nothing: “Great, now I give!”, Is my leg broken? "Don't worry, I have a second..." Isn't that absurd? These examples show that seeing the bad is necessary for life and survival, as it is. The problem is when that dose of bad vision becomes too much.

Some people are more prone to over-caution, complaints, and power outages than others. In the Enneagram system, or nine psychological types, there is a special type number six for them, called the sorcerer or devil's advocate. 

Why Devil's Advocate? Because that was the name of the theologian who looked for the sins of the future saint in the processes of canonization (i.e., the calling of a new saint). Like he was on the devil's side. Similarly, enneagram sixes instinctively take the side of their opponents in their minds and, for example, are interested in what an unpopular boss or policeman thinks of them. It's hard to be happy in this situation.

The Black Earthers still expect the worst, and when the evil finally happens and is revealed, they feel relieved or even satisfied. This is expressed by their famous exclamation: "Didn't I tell you?!" There is a psychological defense against misfortune in this: the feeling that you knew about it in advance.

The signs of the element of Water have the greatest tendency to mistrust:

emotionally oversensitive Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, and from the signs of the Earth - Virgo.

for Cancer the gate through which darkness enters the mind is concern for the survival of oneself and one's family.

Scorpio He greedily catches the vision of a world filled with hostile and secret forces, which, fighting with each other, can easily draw him, Scorpio, into it and destroy it.

Pisces They identify very easily with the weaker ones, so it doesn't take much for them to be convinced that they themselves are poor, weak, fragile and worthless.

virgin they see the world through the mind, not through the senses. However, their minds are peculiar: they specialize in seeing what went wrong, what didn't match, what got in the way, what went wrong. The mind of the Devs instinctively looks for mistakes and flaws - and this is the gate through which this unpleasant addiction enters - witchcraft along with complaints.

Of course, they add their own to horoscopes: Saturnplanet of pessimists Neptunewhich creates illusions, unfortunately, both negative and March i Pluto ordering you to look for enemies everywhere. The astrologer who discovers witchcraft has a lot to do!


  • The Devil's Advocate
    Complaint and pessimism in astrology