» Magic and Astronomy » Do you know how to light a guy under the sign of Korbach (22.05 - 22.06)?

Do you know how to light a guy under the sign of Korbach (22.05 - 22.06)?

The Arabic horoscope teaches us that each man is assigned a certain type of weapon. This specific sign tells not only about his personality, but also that he is outside the bedroom door. Check it!

What it is: It is full of contradictions, very difficult to read; sometimes it seems very flyby - he is brutal and incredibly self-confident, if only to instantly submit, like a lamb; you never know how he will behave at any given moment, but one thing is certain - he always defends himself in the face of a threat, never runs away;

chaotic - this guy is definitely not a pedant, for him order is equivalent to artistic disorder; he feels best in such a small mess, otherwise he cannot collect his thoughts;

indecisive - one day it may let you know that he wants to get married, and the next day it may turn out that he has no plans for you at all; while with him, you must be patient and resign yourself to his changeability.

What kind of lover is he: he is spontaneous, which means that at any moment and in any place he can suddenly be caught wanting to have sex with you; so be prepared for the fact that, for example, in a cinema or theater, you will suddenly be dragged to the toilet;

unfortunately, despite the fact that he tries to pose as a macho, in bed he does not always succeed;

How to light it up: surprise him - he tries to be spontaneous, so he expects the same from you; if you surprise him with something new, intellectual or erotic, you will definitely score points with him;

talk to him - the guys under the sign of Korbach love wise arguments, so do not be afraid to express your own opinion with him, even if it completely contradicts his own - you will not offend him, on the contrary, he loves you even more for your independence and erudition.