» Magic and Astronomy » 10 places in the body where blocked emotions are most often deposited

10 places in the body where blocked emotions are most often deposited

If you are struggling with chronic muscle pain in your neck, lower back, arms, calf cramps, or other areas of your body, be sure to read this article. It describes the basic mechanisms of body memory, as well as how our muscles reflect the trauma experienced and how to deal with it.

Our body is a treasure trove of knowledge about ourselves. Although we often deny certain emotions, ignore them, forget about them, or pretend that they do not exist at all, they leave their mark on our body. Every trauma experienced and every emotion blocked was deposited in the form of tension in our physical body. This was confirmed by the research of Alexander Lowen, a psychiatrist and psychotherapist, the creator of bioenergetics, according to which all the emotions we experience are reflected in our body. We carry the most sadness and anger accumulated in childhood, when we were punished, rejected by our parents or reproached for their manifestation.

There are four main causes of chronic muscle tension:

  • Social conditions: as children, we may have heard that tears are for the weak, and anger is not for good children. Thus, we have learned to hold back anger and tears, to smile assertively, to respond to the learned “everything is fine,” and even to suppress our own emotions so as not to hurt them with the expression of the other side;
  • Traumatic experience: it can be caused accidentally, such as by an accident or natural disaster, or deliberately, by rape, physical abuse, or assault. We can also store memories from childhood, such as aggressive attacks from a drunken father, spanking, witnessing a traumatic situation, etc. If we did not consciously work through these experiences, they were deposited in our body in the form of tense muscles; they can also lead to mental illness, digestive disorders, and even cancer;
  • The state of psychological stress also makes our muscles tense: If our thoughts are frightening, negative, filled with anger, sadness and we allow them to linger for a long time, we take them for real, they also accumulate in our body. Of course, different thoughts flow through us - when we let them go, they do not harm us, but if we become attached to those charged with negative emotions, we tense our body;
  • The last factor is our habits and environmental influences: unhealthy lifestyle, highly processed foods, stimulants, insufficient sleep and exercise, poor posture - these factors also contribute to chronic muscle tension; the same applies to living in conditions of frequent stress, high levels of urban noise, rush and a nervous working atmosphere. The list is long, but it is up to us whether we agree to such terms and how we deal with them.
10 places in the body where blocked emotions are most often deposited

Source: pixabay.com

What are the consequences of chronic muscle tension?

Unfortunately, chronic muscle contraction also has other consequences, including:

  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • sleep problems/insomnia;
  • headaches and migraines
  • nausea, digestive problems;
  • feeling of chronic fatigue;
  • low motivation and energy to action;
  • low body immunity;
  • worsening of well-being;
  • asthma and catarrh of sienna;
  • skin problems such as acne, psoriasis;
  • menstrual problems;
  • sexual dysfunction such as premature ejaculation, painful intercourse;
  • anxiety-depressive conditions;
  • increased addiction.

Places in your body where blocked emotions are most likely to be deposited

Many times during massage sessions or meetings with an osteopath, I have experienced the release of emotions and stored memories from the level of the body. It is enough to skillfully touch the right place and there is already a wave of hidden sadness, anger, regret, fear, or specific thoughts and situations from our lives. The same number of adults all over the world suffer from pain, and in Poland up to 93% of the population. This is a gigantic number of people immersed in chronic suffering! Of course, each of us is individual, our body is an individual puzzle that everyone solves separately. However, there are places where blocked emotions are most often deposited:

1. Head

Tension in this part of the body results in frequent headaches and migraines. I have been associated with the fear of losing control, overthinking, and being overly stressed. When we want to control our mind and cannot surrender to life and body, this is where we build up tension.

2. Neck

In the neck lies our stress, the problem of trust, and the fear and anxiety caused by the physical reaction to danger. The neck is also associated with a blocked throat chakra, an inability to communicate clearly and openly, to express oneself freely and to be sincere.

3. Shoulder

It is on our shoulders that we carry the burden of life, our own and that of others. We accumulate stress related to the amount of responsibilities, social and emotional responsibility, and the pain of other people that we feel. Many healers, empaths, caregivers, and therapists struggle with tension in this part of the body.

4. Upper back

In the upper back, we store grief and sadness, including those associated with the loss of a loved one, a sense of loss in general, or a broken heart. If you block the natural expression of sadness, do not communicate it or express it in any way, this is where you will accumulate it in your body.

5. Mid back

This is where our insecurities, helplessness and lack of support from others and life accumulate.

6. Lower back

Pain in this part of the back is associated with a lack of self-acceptance, low self-esteem, and emotions such as shame and guilt. Here, too, many problems associated with the genital area accumulate (more in the pelvic area, point 10).

7. Stomach, belly

This is where our inability to process emotions is delayed - we may not be able to cope with their current regulation, including the regulation of positive emotions. Then they are deposited in our stomach. A short circuit at this point can also mean that you have not done something very important.

8. Hips

Tight inner thighs are associated with social anxiety, fear of one's own vulnerability, fear of other people. The outer thighs store the energy of frustration, the impatience that accumulates as a result of the fast pace of life without mindfulness. Most often, our relationships with others and professional activities contribute to postponing tension in this place.

9. Buttocks

It is in them that we store our anger and repressed rage. At the first opportunity, see if your buttocks tense up when your emotions boil over.

10. Pelvis and genitals

In these places we store all the repressed and repressed emotions associated with sexuality - experienced traumas, insults, unsatisfied needs, feelings of guilt, fear, etc., which in adulthood can result in impotence, anorgasmia, premature ejaculation, fear of sexual participation, relationships and intimacy. and many other sexual problems.

How to get rid of tension and emotions in the body

Now that you know the underlying causes of chronic muscle tension, you need ways to manage your emotions and rid your body of chronic pain. I will mention a few main features, you are sure to find more. Try different methods and find the ones that work best for you to really help you, have fun and help you out when you need it.

Tantric massage

(<- ICI, PRZECZYTAJ WIENCEJ) in Rodzaj Manupnej Pracy Z Cialem Fizycznym I Energetycznym W CELU UWOLNIENIA ENERGII Seksualnej, Która Zablokowana Została Rutynę Poprzez, Traumy, NieuświaDomdione Leki I WSTYD W Postaci Napięćy, Josniachón lingam and roses. W Trakcie sesji Sie pracuje на tkankach głębokich, ш ktorých zapisują się Wszystkie niewyrażone emocje, zranienia я traumy, tworzące swoistą "zbroję" która uniemożliwia swobodny przepływ życiodajnej seksualnej Energii, совместно skutkuje wieloma blokadami ш wyrażaniu siebie, swoich uczuc Ораз problemami ш swobodnym я radosnym doświadczeniu, nie tylko sexualności, ale życia w ogóle. Natomiast na poziomie fizycznym skutkuje to Chronicznymi napięciami prowadzącymi do wielu somatycznych dolegliwości. Rozpracowywanie tych zablokowanych miejsc pozwala krok po kroku rozpuścić "zbroję" poprzez uświadomienie sobie blokad oraz ich uwolnienie, co przywraca naturalny i swobodny przepływ energii.

Feel your emotions

You won't heal yourself if you don't allow yourself to truly feel your emotions. No judgment, no negative/positive labeling, no guilt or shame, no self-censorship. Otherwise, you will keep them inside of you again and create tension. In the same way that you wash off the sweat and dirt of the day in the evening, it is also worth checking your emotional body. Are there emotions that need to be released? What happened in your life today and how do you feel about this situation / person / message / task? Every evening, monitor your emotional state and let loose your unspoken emotions by crying, screaming, hitting your mattress. Remember that the emotions you experience do not define you, they are just a form of energy flowing through you - don't hold it back.


Dancing naturally releases endorphins in us, activates various parts of the muscles, gives freedom of expression, touches sensitive strings in ourselves, and relaxes the body. You can use Intuitive Dance, 5 Rhythms, Movement Medicine, Biodanzi, but you can just as well just turn on your favorite music and move to its rhythm. This dance heals the body and soul.

keep a journal

Every day, whatever your motivation, whatever your mood, write down everything you feel. Without censorship, without restrictions, let your thoughts, words and emotions flow through you. And be gentle with yourself at the same time, muscle tension deepens inner criticism and vulnerability. Write and treat yourself like your best friend. It is possible to return to what was written, but it is advisable only after some time or not to return at all. You can solemnly burn the written pages. The most important thing in this practice is to simply write, getting rid of stuck thoughts and beliefs from your mind, naming your seething emotions by name and describing past events from your point of view.

Take up yoga or some other form of light stretching.

Stretching can be helpful for tension in your body. Regular practice can do wonders for expanding your body's range of motion. Calmness in the muscles will lead to calmness in the mind and heart.

Be in nature and breathe deeply

Of course, deepening the breath can be done anywhere and in any situation. The more oxygen in the body, the more muscle relaxation and peace of mind. Nature calms our nervous system, relaxes muscles, slows down the flow of thoughts, fills us with gratitude, delight and love. Walk a lot in forests, meadows, mountains, along the sea and other natural reservoirs. Walk barefoot, snuggle up to the trees, take in the views, breathe in the luscious air full of scents, and feel the flow of life within and around you.

Art therapy

Find your favorite form of self-expression through art and practice it as often as possible. It can be drawing, painting, singing, playing instruments, dancing, writing poetry / songs / stories, wood carving, crafts. All of these activities evoke creativity, trigger gameplay, focus on the present, and allow free expression of emotions, values, attitudes, and thoughts.
