» Magic and Astronomy » 10+10 Verified Health Claims

10+10 Verified Health Claims

How can you improve your health without drugs or with their help? How to get rid of ailments and diseases that can drag on for a long time and are not amenable to any traditional methods of treatment? Healing affirmations come to the rescue, which affect not only the symptoms of diseases, but directly on their cause in the mind. In this way, they heal diseases at their source, releasing the psychic and energetic patterns responsible for them. The natural consequence of this will be the disappearance of physical symptoms and improved health.

Mental reason

(1) Before you start applying any of the statements, think about the possible source of your ailment that you want to get rid of. Ask yourself, "What thoughts could have caused this?" and let them appear. Better write them down so you don't forget. (2) Say to yourself, "I want to get the patterns that caused this condition out of my mind," and then (3) for each thought that contributed to the illness, say, "I don't believe it anymore. I am an infinite being, and this thought no longer has power over me. Question every thought that contributed to illness, every thought that you are unwell, and every thought that occurs throughout the day that opposes the ideal health claims being used. (4) Repeat selected statements.

Below are 10 such affirmations that, when used regularly, will bring the expected results. You must remember to repeat them every day and many times. Preferably in the morning and before bed. To enhance their effectiveness, in addition to repeating them both mentally and out loud, write them down - at least 10 times each. Also, don't work with more than 2-3 at the same time. Choose the ones that resonate with you the best.

10+10 Verified Health Claims


General Affirmations for Ideal Health: 

1. I accept the ideal health and appearance of my body.

2. Divine love fills and heals my whole body.

3. I feel like my body is getting healthier every day.

4. I am healthy, I deserve life and love.

5. I love myself and my body, so I open myself to perfect health.

6. My body is getting healthier every day.

7. I allow myself to be in perfect health.

8. I deserve and enjoy excellent physical and mental health.

9. I deserve a healthy, slim and harmonious figure.

10. Health is the natural state of my body and mind.

Affirmations about specific diseases most common in Poland and their psychological causes: 

1. Inflammation and lung disease

Possible reason: regret. Feeling tired of life. Feeling emotional pain.

Affirmation: I am able to accept life in its entirety and I enjoy using it.

2. Rheumatoid arthritis

Possible reason: a strong doubt in the authority. Feeling intimidated, harassed, or terrorized. Feeling like a victim.

Affirmation: God is my authority and the way I trust. I love and accept myself. I have the power given by God to live with dignity.

3. Heart failure

Possible cause: long-term emotional problems. There is no happiness and no joy in life. Sadness. Emotional toughness. Feeling of life's struggle, tension and effort.

Affirmation: I gladly allow myself to fill my heart with love, joy and happiness.

4. Heart attack

Possible reason: giving up the joy of life for the sake of money, material success, position or social status.

Affirmation: I bring joy to my heart and choose happiness as a core value in my life. I decide to enjoy every moment of my life.

5. Viral hepatitis

Possible reason: prolonged clinging to resentment, anger and even hatred. Resistance to change.

Affirmation: I clear my mind of all negative emotions. I leave the past behind and move towards the future with ease. Everything happens for my development.

6. Diabetes

Possible cause: deep sadness. No "sweet" life. A strong longing for unfulfilled dreams and for what could have been. Unsatisfied need to control life.

Affirmation: This very moment is filled with joy. I decide to see its hidden beauty and enjoy it. She decides to enjoy the sweetness of every moment of her life.

7. Stroke

Possible reason: refusal to live. Give up. Resilience to change. Firmness of conviction: "I would rather die than change."

Affirmation: I allow life and myself to change. He easily adapts to everything new, accepting the past, present and future.

8. Kidney disease

Possible cause: Feelings of failure and failure. Criticism towards the world and oneself.

Disappointment. Shame. Helplessness. Lost.

Affirmation: I love and accept myself and my life always follows the law and plan of God. Eventually, out of every experience comes the good that I begin to see.

9. Acne and other skin conditions

Possible reason: lack of self-acceptance. Hating myself.

Affirmation: I love and accept myself for who I am, here and now. I am a beautiful, divine manifestation of life.

10. Migraine and headaches

Possible Cause: Belief that you are sowing a worthless, useless person. Criticize yourself. Onion.

Affirmation: I love and accept myself. I am safe, worthy of love, happiness and success.

Bartlomie Raczkowski