» Decoration » Zodiac signs and their corresponding gems and metals

Zodiac signs and their corresponding gems and metals

Gemstone healing is a very important thing in astrology. According to this teaching, wearing this gem helps us overcome the evil outflows of planetary systems. Each stone is assigned a specific zodiac sign and a precious metal. What zodiac sign is characteristic?

Zodiac signs and their corresponding gems and metals

Baran (21.03.–19.04)

Aries is an extremely ambitious, active and impulsive person. The gem that will help her calm down a bit is malachite. In addition to him, Aries will be lucky thanks to such stones as: amethyst, carnelian, agate, hematite, aventurine and red jasper.

Caring Planet: MarchElement: FireFriendly signs: Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, AquariusLucky numbers: 7, 19Stone : Ruby, according to the Talmud and Amethyst, carnelian, agate, hematite, aventurine and red jasper.Metal: HardwareFlower : mother, pelargoniumcolor: redBe sure to visit us Aries gold pendants

Bull (20.04–20.05)

Bulls are distinguished by their love for comfort and beauty. They are true sybarites of flesh and blood. Despite this, we cannot deny them a touch of pragmatism. In matters of love, they are primarily faithful and capable of considerable sacrifice. These include stones: emerald, agate, malachite, rose quartz, aventurine, lemon or rock crystal. They can also opt for natural red coral as a necklace or bracelet.

Caring Planet: Venus Element: land Friendly signs : Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius Lucky numbers: 6, 19 Stone : Emerald, according to the Talmud Agate, malachite, rose quartz, aventurine, lemon or rock crystal. Metal: Brass color: pinkBe sure to visit us gold pendants with the sign of Taurus

Gemini (21.05 May - 21.06 June)

They value independence. They are sociable and curious about the world. The best stones for them: topaz, aquamarine, carnelian and rock crystal, jasper or tiger's eye.

Caring Planet: mercury Season : SPRING Friendly signs: Aries, Leo, Libra, Aquarius Lucky numbers: 13, 31 Stone : Topaz, rock crystal, according to the Aquamarine Talmud Metal: gold color: YellowBe sure to visit us gold pendants with Gemini sign

Cancer (22.06-22.07)

People under this sign are primarily distinguished by a complex character. Their changeable mood and stubbornness, combined with sensitivity, make an explosive mixture. Ideal stones for them: opal, emerald, jasper, heliotrope, onyx and carnelian.

Caring Planet: Луна Element: water Friendly signs: Scorpio, Aquarius Lucky numbers: 2, 7 Stone : Opal, according to the Talmud - emerald, jasper, heliotrope, onyx and carnelian. Metal: silver color: silverBe sure to visit us Cancer gold pendants

Liu (23.07–22.08)

Leos love to be the center of attention. They are extremely sociable, honest and self-confident. Their decorations must be quickly visible. That's why they focus on: Chrysolite, Pomegranate, according to the Talmud - Ruby or amber.

caring planet : the sun Element: Fire Friendly signs: Aries, Aquarius, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Pisces Lucky numbers: 4, 19 Stone : Chrysolite, Pomegranate, according to the Talmud - Ruby or Amber Metal: gold color: OrangeBe sure to visit us gold pendants with the sign of a lion

Panna (23.08–22.09)

Zodiac Virgo is a very sensible and organized person. They are distinguished by great insight and intelligence. Their lucky stones are carnelian, jasper, lemon, amethyst, agar and hawk's eye.

caring planet : Mercury Element: land Friendly signs: Sagittarius, Capricorn Lucky numbers: 5, 10 Stone : Jade, according to the Talmud - jasper, lemon, amethyst, agar and hawk's eye Metal: Mercury color: brownBe sure to visit us gold pendants with the sign of the Virgin

Weight (23.09–22.10)

These people have a sense of balance and justice. People of this sign are dominants worth betting on: rose quartz, agate, tiger's eye, opal, carnelian, heliotrap and hematite.

Caring Planet: Venus Element: Air Friendly signs : Gemini, Aquarius Lucky numbers: 6, 8 Stone :Aquamarine, opal, rose quartz, agate, according to the Talmud - diamond Metal:Copper color: GreenBe sure to visit us Libra gold pendants

Scorpio (23.10-21.11)

Emotions outshine scorpions. They are full of energy and there is no lack of them anywhere. It is very difficult to convince them of your opinion. Jewelry with stones such as carnelian, amethyst, flint and hematite are best suited for them.

Caring Planet: Pluto Element: water Friendly signs: Taurus, Cancer, Capricorn, Pisces Lucky numbers: 7, 9, 13 Stone : Garnet, amethyst, according to the Talmud - topaz, carnelian, flint and hematite. Metal: Magnesium color: blueBe sure to visit us gold pendants with the sign of Scorpio

Sagittarius (22.11/21.12/XNUMX/XNUMX)

Streltsy are very cheerful and sociable people. However, they are also quite vain. Their extremely strong character is combined with: tiger's eye, amethyst, lapis lazuli, onyx and aventurine.

Caring Planet: Jupiter Element: Fire Friendly signs: Ram, Lew, Scorpio Lucky numbers: 4, 14, 24 Stone : Turquoise, according to the Talmud, is onyx, amethyst, lapis lazuli and aventurine. Metal: cina color: whiteBe sure to visit us gold pendants with the sign of Sagittarius

Capricorn (22.12–19.01)

People of this sign are workaholics. They are very demanding of themselves. Despite this, after finishing work, they are able to really have a lot of fun. Their jewelry should help to relax, so you should choose moonstone, jasper, onyx, hematite, rock crystal or turquoise.

Caring Planet: Saturn Element: land Friendly signs: Cream, Lew Lucky numbers: 3, 24 Stone : Zircon, moonstone, jasper, hematite, rock crystal or turquoise, and according to the Talmud - onyx Metal: NEWS color: TurquoiseBe sure to visit us gold pendants with the sign of Capricorn

Aquarius (20.01-20.02)

They have very interesting personalities. They cannot stand dogmatism and are creative. Stones for them: onyx, amethyst, amber or hawk's eye.

caring planet : Uran Element : Air Friendly signs : Gemini, Libra lucky number : 2 stone : Agate, Aquamarine, onyx, amethyst, amber or hawk's eye. According to the Talmud - Sapphire Metal : Copper Color : PurpleBe sure to visit us aquarius gold pendants

Pisces (21.02–20.03)

They are very passionate about metaphysics. They are sensitive and creative. Good luck will be provided by such stones as: amethyst, carnelian, buffalo eye, agate, heliotrap, corals and carnelian.

caring planet : Neptune Element : Water Friendly signs : Cancer and Scorpio lucky number : 8 stone :Amethyst, carnelian, buffalo eye, agate, heliotrap, coral and carnelian. Metal : First Color : RedBe sure to visit us Pisces gold pendants