» Decoration » How to clean and care for platinum jewelry?

How to clean and care for platinum jewelry?

Platinum is one of the most luxurious precious metals, from which engagement and wedding rings are mainly made. Characterized wonderful tenacity, as well as intense brilliance and a natural white hue that won't wear off, as is the case with rhodium-plated white gold pieces. It perfectly emphasizes the brilliance of diamonds and other stones, and at the same time does not cause allergic reactions. Her appearance makes an amazing impression. However, how to properly care for platinum jewelryenjoy as long as possible?

How to clean platinum?

This precious metal does not require special treatment, as opposed to cheaper ores. If you have a platinum ring, just put it in a bowl of soap and water and then use it. with soft brush clean them and then polish with a soft cloth. This should be repeated every time your jewelry is considered visibly dirty.

How often should platinum be cleaned and polished?

The frequency depends on what is done to the engagement ring on a daily basis and whether it is worn regularly. There is no need for any additional steps. Platinum is so strongthat it does not require special care. Its great advantage is that does not darkenwhich immediately distinguishes it from silver.