» Decoration » Imitation diamonds - can a diamond be replaced?

Imitation diamonds - can a diamond be replaced?

diamond imitation can be created using specific, carefully crafted materials. The first one was built in the XNUMXth century. diamond substitute. It was the product of Josef Strasser, an Austrian jeweler. To do this, he used glass, which could be easily sanded. After obtaining a cut with the appropriate refractive index yes glass diamond imitated its prototype well. The stone was named after its inventor. Despite the prohibitions of Maria Theresa, the haunted house quickly conquered Europe and the world. Currently, white sapphire, white topaz and moissanite are also used to make fakes. Synthetic diamonds and rhinestones are also successfully created.  

How are imitation diamonds made?

White sapphire is subjected to high temperatures to obtain a high level of clarity. With proper processing, the differences between a white sapphire and a diamond disappear. imperceptible to lovers. White topaz has a brownish tint and requires heat treatment to match the clarity of a diamond. Topazes are inexpensive semi-precious stones, so topaz jewelry is readily available. Moissanite, on the other hand, is a very rare and quite expensive mineral. Its structure stands out from others in that moissanite perfectly reflects light, creating a phenomenon similar to glitter. To be the best diamond substitute however, synthetic cubic zirconia is recognized.  

Cubic zirconia is a synthetic diamond

Cubic zirconia is a man-made diamond created from scratch. Why is it most famous imitation diamond? Firstly, not only aesthetic values ​​coincide, but also technological details. The degree of hardness, light reflection and gloss are similar. At the same time, cubic zirconia is a relatively cheap alternative. With the help of this fake diamond You can also create color options. Additives such as nickel, chromium and cobalt are used during the production process to achieve the chosen color. 

Thanks to the many imitations of diamonds when choosing jewelry It is worth checking the descriptions and certificates. Even a detailed study may not be enough to determine the differences. Therefore, often the only confirmation is the certificate of authenticity of the diamond.