» Articles » Ideas for Tattoos » Wonderful and intriguing blackout tattoos

Wonderful and intriguing blackout tattoos

What comes to your mind when you hear the word "blackout"? Probably, the darkness is caused precisely by the temporary blackout of the electric current. THE blackout tattoo they are playing on the concept of darkness, and they have been gaining more and more popularity lately, despite the fact that this is a rather complex tattoo because it involves large parts of the body. But is it really so?

First, let's start by identifying the best what are blackout tattoos: blackout tattoos are black ink tattoos, in which the drawing is obtained not by outlining the contours, as usual, but by completely filling the surrounding "negative spaces" with ink. The example from the side clearly shows what is meant by "negative space": the chair and the cup are visible only because the space around them is colored.

Un blackout tattoo it then completely covers the body area with black (or other solid color), leaving clear, empty areas of skin that form the subject, such as flowers, tribal designs, mandalas, and so on.

In this case, one would think that it is impossible to do small size tattoo, But actually it is not! Many people choose this style for applying complex and extensive tattoos to large parts of the body, but nothing prevents them from limiting the tattoo to a smaller and limited area.

What matters is that there is a solid color base, like black, and an object that takes shape on the inside!