» Articles » Ideas for Tattoos » Gorgeous and subtle flower tattoos on x-ray

Gorgeous and subtle flower tattoos on x-ray

I x-ray flower tattoos This is one of the latest fashion trends in the world of flower tattoos. These are very delicate tattoos with almost transparent colors, as if seen with an X-ray scanner.

Since the tattoo plays very well on transparencies, it is important to find a tattoo artist who is very good at reproducing hues, lights and shadows.

What flowers are best for X Ray Flower Tattoos? Flowers with many petals, such as chrysanthemums, peonies, and roses, look especially good because they form intricate interweaving and overlapping on X-rays. For those who want a simpler result, flowers such as tulips, lotus, calla lilies or cherry blossoms are perfect for applying an original, but very delicate tattoo.

What about the most suitable place for an x-ray tattoo with a flower? Like all flower tattoos, X-ray tattoos are extremely versatile too! However, since it is a rather difficult tattoo to create, which draws its beauty from transparencies and overlays that are difficult to tattoo, smaller placements such as fingers or the back of the ear may not be indicated. Instead, use wider body positions such as your back, arms, side, or legs.