» Articles » Ideas for Tattoos » Cross tattoos: meaning and images that will inspire you

Cross tattoos: meaning and images that will inspire you

I cross tattoo are among the most versatile and sought-after tattoos. Symbol of major Christian religionsbut also life and death, union with nature and the four elements, the use of this icon dates back to long before the death of Christ.

The meaning of the cross tattoo

First of all, we must know that they exist. hundreds of different types of crossesbut only 9 of them seem to have religious significance. The most common is undoubtedly Latin cross, the one with the vertical line longer than the horizontal. THE latin cross tattoo they are often chosen by those who recognize themselves as Christians, especially Catholics, to represent them faith and complete trust in divine will.

Then there is the essence of the commissioner, similar to the letter "T" and, finally, Greek cross, in which both hands are equal.

Generally speaking, a cross tattoo for many symbolizes:

• a a reminder of the life and especially of the death and resurrection of Jesus... From this point of view, since for Christians death and resurrection go hand in hand, the cross represents hope.

• a an invitation to follow in the footsteps of Christ in everyday life of my life, also facing suffering

Cross though it is also a symbol of victory... This is due to a vision received by Emperor Constantine, who saw the inscription “In this sign you will win " (means: "With this sign you will conquer") surrounded by a cross. It is no coincidence that it was under Constantine the cross has become a recognized symbol of Christianity, even if the historical versions explaining this event are very contradictory, especially given its supernatural connotation. In fact, one of these versions suggests that interpreting this event in a Christian way is historically difficult. transfer of the pagan cult of the sun god, in vogue with the Romans during the time of Constantine. V sun god symbol it was just a cross superimposed on the "X", and Constantine saw him appear exactly where he expected, in heaven.

It is also interesting to note that the Latin term “heart"Derived from"I tortureWhat does “torture” mean; also in Greek the word for "cross" - "σταυρός- Stauros » and means pole. In fact, at the time, the Romans tortured convicts by nailing them to a vertical structure, which was not necessarily a cross, but a pole, tree, or something similar. A cross tattoo therefore, it is not the prerogative of those who profess the Christian faith: it can be a reference to other cults for which there is an intellectual and spiritual closeness, a symbol inherent in life and its difficulties, and so on.

See also: Tattoos with the Unalome symbol: meaning and ideas that can inspire you

Cross outside Christianity

However, as we said, the cross is not a symbol used exclusively in the main cults of Christianity.Indeed, it is a graphic element used for many centuries before the appearance of Christ. Historical research has shown that the most widespread use of the cross comes from the cult of the Sun, acquired and subsequently incorporated by cults in the process of spreading such as Christianity. In addition to the Romans, also roosters, Indians, even the population of ancient South America used the cross in their religious cults, sometimes in combination with other symbols. Going back even further, and perhaps due to its graphic simplicity, some drawings of the cross have also been found in prehistoric caves, even in different versions.

Even the Egyptians could not do without their version of the cross called “crux ansata". I am Ansat Cross Tattoos they represent life.

Another very important use of the cross was made by the Celts. A celtic cross tattoo can symbolizespiritual unity with nature, Vera obviously life, honor and hope. Given that much of what we know about the Celtic peoples was transmitted by the Romans (and we know that the Romans had no sympathy for them), unfortunately, little is known about the profound meaning the Celts attributed to their symbols, including the cross. ...

Being such an ancient and important symbol, cross tattoo he is undoubtedly one of those that require a lot of research and awareness. We have covered just a few of the very broad discussions that revolve around the graphic symbol representing the religious faith of millions of people from different cultures, both past and present. Then it's always good make sure you know as much as possible about the cross you are about to pin, so that the tattoo represents us 100% always throughout life 🙂