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Poppy tattoo: wild poppy

Poppy is a flowering plant that adorns meadows and gardens in the summer. This flower is popularly called "red poppy" or "wild poppy".

Poppy tattoo: wild poppy

In ancient times, the Egyptians placed poppy petals in tombs to lull the deceased into a deep and sweet sleep.

Poppy tattoo: wild poppy

In Greek mythology, Morpheus offers a bouquet of poppies to Demeter to lull him to sleep after the abduction of Persephone by Hades, the god of the underworld.

Poppy tattoo: wild poppy

Poppy has a calming effect and provides a restful and restorative sleep. It also treats increased emotionality, nervousness, and respiratory infections.

Poppy tattoo: wild poppy

Giving a bouquet of poppies consoles someone who is suffering from mental pain or the loss of a loved one. This plant soothes sorrow in sleep and forgetfulness. It symbolizes consolation, peace and tranquility.

Poppy tattoo: wild poppy

The more romantic aspect of the poppy is the transience of the plant. Indeed, this delicate plant withers quickly. In this case, it means "love each other as soon as possible", because his beauty is ephemeral, and you need to quickly take advantage of its ardor.

Poppy tattoo: wild poppy

The poppy does not need to be repotted in order for it to bloom again. Poppies bloom again unaided (human or animal) and symbolize fertility and fertility.

Poppy tattoo: wild poppy

The poppy tattoo is a common tattoo that, due to its many meanings, symbolizes the last dream. It gently evokes memories of a loved one who died.

Poppy tattoo: wild poppy

He also summons soldiers who have fallen in battle. Indeed, the fields of war were often covered with poppies.

Poppy tattoo: wild poppy

More generally, a poppy tattoo represents peace and restful sleep. Today its meanings have changed: it symbolizes health and good luck.

Poppy tattoo: wild poppy

We have selected the most beautiful poppy tattoos for you.

Poppy tattoo: wild poppy

Poppy tattoo: wild poppy

Poppy tattoo: wild poppy

Poppy tattoo: wild poppy

Poppy tattoo: wild poppy

Poppy tattoo: wild poppy

Poppy tattoo: wild poppy

Poppy tattoo: wild poppy

Poppy tattoo: wild poppy

Poppy tattoo: wild poppy

Poppy tattoo: wild poppy

Poppy tattoo: wild poppy

Poppy tattoo: wild poppy

Poppy tattoo: wild poppy

Poppy tattoo: wild poppy

Poppy tattoo: wild poppy

Poppy tattoo: wild poppy

Poppy tattoo: wild poppy

Poppy tattoo: wild poppy

Poppy tattoo: wild poppy