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Dragon Tattoo - Myths, Legends and Power of Dragons on Your Body

Dragon tattoo has gained popularity all over the world. Each culture gives its own interpretation to the legendary winged creature. But in almost all interpretations there are similar features: dragons embody power, strength, longevity and wisdom. The dragon tattoo has been relevant for more than one century.

1. Значение Тату Дракона 2. Татуировки с Драконом для Мужчин 3. Татуировки с Драконом для Девушек 4. Тату Дракон в Стиле Реализм 5. Тату Дракон в Стиле Трайбл 6. Тату Дракон в Японском Стиле 7. Эскизы Тату Дракон

The Celts chose the dragon as a symbol of struggle, and among the Chinese and Japanese, the dragon was considered a divine being who was worshiped and built temples.

The dragon tattoo has gained particular popularity in recent years, after the release of the trilogy "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" by Stieg Larsson and the film of the same name, based on the plot of the books. The main character is Lisbeth Salander, a complex and ambiguous hero, but undoubtedly she is the embodiment of a strong personality. The dragon in the book is used precisely as a symbol of the inner strength of the heroine. After the release of the books and the movie, many girls were inspired to get a dragon tattoo.

Dragon Tattoo - Myths, Legends and Power of Dragons on Your Body

Dragon Tattoo Meaning

The symbolism of the dragon is always associated with the manifestation of divine power, wisdom, power, which can create and destroy. Dragons in legends often act as guardians of ancient treasures, in a modern interpretation this can be considered a metaphor. The dragon is the keeper of secret knowledge, not treasures and gold, but knowledge, skills, mastery that help people develop and be in harmony with the world.

Often, dragons act as monsters, fire-breathing creatures that attack people. Only the bravest and bravest warrior is able to defeat the dragon. In legends, warriors who defeated dragons gained eternal glory.

One of the most famous and popular legends about the dragon says that one must be able to defeat the dragon within oneself. For many people, the test of fame and fortune becomes a serious, and sometimes overwhelming burden. Therefore, a dragon tattoo in this case can mean a victory over one's own weaknesses and shortcomings.

Dragon Tattoo - Myths, Legends and Power of Dragons on Your Body

Men's Dragon Tattoos - Dragon Tattoos for Men

Men very often choose the plot of dragon tattoos. The symbolism of strength, stamina, wisdom and invincible power are close to masculine nature. Strong personalities strive even in their tattoos to give themselves even more motivation for excellence. The dragon is strong, but there are warriors who have defeated the dragon. People who choose a dragon tattoo with this very message tell themselves that you should never lose a person inside yourself, do not fall under the deceptive influence of unlimited power, be strong, but remain a realist.

Male dragon tattoos mainly occupy large areas on the body. Often the tattoo is located on the back, arm, chest, a little less often you can find a dragon tattoo on the leg. These can be colorful bright tattoos in the Japanese style, and Celtic tie, and tribal and black and white tattoos.

Dragon Tattoo - Myths, Legends and Power of Dragons on Your Body Dragon Tattoo - Myths, Legends and Power of Dragons on Your Body Dragon Tattoo - Myths, Legends and Power of Dragons on Your Body Dragon Tattoo - Myths, Legends and Power of Dragons on Your Body Dragon Tattoo - Myths, Legends and Power of Dragons on Your Body Dragon Tattoo - Myths, Legends and Power of Dragons on Your Body

Women's Dragon Tattoos - Dragon Tattoos for Girls

In addition to the heroine of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, the popularity of tattoos with mythical winged creatures was added by the series Game of Thrones, based on the plots of the books A Song of Ice and Fire by J.R.R. Martin. The dragons of one of the main characters are Daenerys Targaryen, the embodiment of her omnipotence, her main assistants and weapons. Women all over the world see in this beautiful fairy tale an allegory of female power, which helps them to believe in themselves.

Girls tattoos with dragons are most often placed on the back, thigh or arm. For small dragon drawings, the forearm is suitable, and a larger dragon can gracefully curl up on the hip. Both color and black and white tattoos are equally loved and popular among women.

Dragon Tattoo - Myths, Legends and Power of Dragons on Your Body Dragon Tattoo - Myths, Legends and Power of Dragons on Your Body Dragon Tattoo - Myths, Legends and Power of Dragons on Your Body Dragon Tattoo - Myths, Legends and Power of Dragons on Your Body

Realistic Dragon Tattoo

Realistic dragon tattoos can depict fantasy-style dragons that are familiar to everyone from movies or computer games. Detailed, crisp images of dragons have long been a favorite subject in the tattoo world. The drawing may depict a dragon or individual parts of the image, such as the bright eyes of a dragon.

Dragon Tattoo - Myths, Legends and Power of Dragons on Your Body

Tribal Dragon Tattoo

The tribal dragon tattoo is popular for its Celtic designs. The Celts revered dragons and considered them the embodiment of combat power and power. Dragons were depicted on coats of arms, ornaments and amulets.

Dragon Tattoo - Myths, Legends and Power of Dragons on Your Body

Dragon Tattoo Japanese Style

dragon tattoo in Japanese culture - a symbol of the sun, good luck and longevity. The Japanese depicted dragons with three fingers on their paws. According to legend, the dragon is considered a sacred guardian spirit and is revered by people.

Dragon Tattoo - Myths, Legends and Power of Dragons on Your Body

Dragon Tattoo Designs

Before choosing a sketch for a tattoo, decide on which part of the body you would like to place it. For example, a drawing elongated in length will look more harmonious on the arm, and not a curled dragon on the thigh. Remember, the drawing should become part of your image, emphasize the beauty of the body, help you communicate with the outside world. A correctly selected and high-quality sketch will never bother you and will be not only a beautiful attribute, but also a favorite talisman.

Dragon Tattoo - Myths, Legends and Power of Dragons on Your Body Dragon Tattoo - Myths, Legends and Power of Dragons on Your Body Dragon Tattoo - Myths, Legends and Power of Dragons on Your Body Dragon Tattoo - Myths, Legends and Power of Dragons on Your Body Dragon Tattoo - Myths, Legends and Power of Dragons on Your Body Dragon Tattoo - Myths, Legends and Power of Dragons on Your Body Dragon Tattoo - Myths, Legends and Power of Dragons on Your Body