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Tattoo bracelet: diagrams and illustrations

Tattoo bracelet

Tattoo bracelet: diagrams and illustrations
Tattoo bracelet

Bracelet tattoos are one of the most popular tattoos, all styles lend themselves to play, and their shape, size, color or not, absolutely everything can be done to your liking.

Tattoo bracelet: diagrams and illustrations

These tattoos are among the most common today, although they have been around for millennia.

Tattoo bracelet: diagrams and illustrations

The patterns are very varied and you can choose whether you want more or less discreet, this is a real gemstone tattoo.

Tattoo bracelet: diagrams and illustrations

Appearing in its first form as a Polynesian, Celtic or Maori tattoo, the bracelet tattoo has always had a very strong meaning, such as social status (marriage, number of children, etc.) or even a rite of passage in a cultural or traditional context (for example, in some civilizations transition to adulthood).

Tattoo bracelet: diagrams and illustrations

Thus, the bracelet tattoo not only fulfills the function of pleasure or seduction, it is also masculine and feminine, even if we often remain in the category of decorative tattoos.

Tattoo bracelet: diagrams and illustrations

You are offered an endless number of possibilities, from a simple bracelet with precious stones to a ribbon, chain, sentence or antique barbed wire. The field of activity is as vast as it is diverse!

Tattoo bracelet: diagrams and illustrations

However, it is advisable to learn about the deeper meaning of the design you would choose if you never dared to get a bracelet tattoo, often not accepted by the general public, these tattoos almost always have a deep meaning.

Tattoo bracelet: diagrams and illustrations

Even if the meaning you give to your tattoo is undoubtedly the most important, the fact remains: the bracelet tattoo is the subject of a wide variety of interpretations, and sometimes erroneous ones.

Another point not to be overlooked, a bracelet tattoo, depending on its exact location and size, can sometimes be difficult to hide, whether it be the sleeves of your shirt or a simple watch, and we remind you that many professions are still against. tattoos that can become a real obstacle to hiring.

Tattoo bracelet: diagrams and illustrations

Tattoo bracelet: diagrams and illustrations