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Biomechanics Tattoo - Biomechanics Tattoos

Biomechanics tattoo is a relatively young style that became popular in the late 20th century. Tattoos in the style of biomechanics depict mechanisms on the human body that break out from under the skin. Gears, pistons, complex steel mechanisms are the main plots of the biomechanics tattoo. The fashion for such drawings developed along with technological progress.

The topic of artificial intelligence, robots, science fiction books have formed in society an interest in tattoos that bring a person closer to robots and cyborgs.

1. История Стиля Биомеханика 2. Тату Биомеханика Значение 3. Популярные Сюжеты и Места 4. Мужские Татуировки Биомеханика 5. Женские Татуировки Биомеханика 6. Эскизы Татуировок Биомеханика

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History of the Biomechanical Style

The founder of the style is the artist Hans Rudolf Giger. The Swiss artist became famous for creating images and scenery for the cult film Alien. Fantastic realism became the leitmotif of his work. Tattoos with Giger's paintings began to be made by innovators, technology lovers, representatives of cyberpunk culture. Biomechanics is considered a predominantly male style, although girls also decorate their bodies with futuristic drawings with mechanisms.

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Tattoo Biomechanics Meaning

The meaning of tattoos in the style of Biomechanics can be different. For example, it may be a tribute to technological progress, science. People whose lives are somehow connected with modern technology and technology make such tattoos as a symbol of the era.

For some, biomechanics expresses the idea that the inner world of a person may differ from his external appearance. Strength and intelligence do not depend on appearance, but on endurance, diligence and character.

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Popular Plots and Locations of Biomechanical Tattoos

Tattoo Biomechanics Heart

A tattoo in the form of a mechanical heart, as a rule, is located on the chest. Tattoos with a mechanical heart do not have any specific meaning. A tattoo has a special meaning only for its owner. First of all, a tattoo in the style of biomechanics is a technically complex, masterful work. An aesthetic design with many nuances that attracts the attention of others.

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Tattoo Biomechanics Sleeve

A sleeve made in the style of biomechanics is a long and painstaking work. If you decide on such a tattoo, you should prepare for several sessions. Even the development of a voluminous and complex sketch will take the master a lot of time. But the complex process and the wait are worth it. Tattoo sleeve with mechanisms looks very impressive.

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Tattoo Biomechanics Shoulder

The biomechanical shoulder tattoo is popular due to the fact that the structure of the muscles in this place helps to create additional volume. The drawing seems three-dimensional and looks very realistic.

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Biomechanics Tattoo on Leg

A tattoo with pistons, wires and gears on the leg also looks profitable and stylish. On the leg, you can make a larger and more detailed tattoo than on the arm. If you are thinking of a voluminous, elongated sketch, then the thigh or lower leg will be the perfect place.

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Biomechanics Tattoo for Men

Biomechanics traditionally considered masculine. Mechanisms and technology are considered a favorite topic of men around the world. Interest in this area is expressed in cinema, music, style and tattoos as well.

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Biomechanics Tattoo for Women

Girls do not often decide on complex large tattoos in a biomechanical style. But still there are brave lovers of a complex futuristic style who adorn themselves with elements of steel and mechanisms.

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Tattoo Biomechanics Sketches

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