» Articles » Ideas for Tattoos » Soft and very delicate cloud tattoos: ideas and meaning

Soft and very delicate cloud tattoos: ideas and meaning

Bulky, white and soft in appearance, or greyish, menacing and clearly full of lead. Whatever shape they are, watching a cloudy sky is often a sight to behold.

I tattoo with clouds they are not among the most common tattoos, however, they are gaining more and more popularity due to the extreme versatility offered by this design. Watercolor style tattoos, for example, unleash their full potential on the cloud tattoo, just like pointillism or kawaii style. In short, the cloud tattoo really suits a thousand different styles, which is why it is one of the most customizable designs out there.

What is the meaning of a cloud tattoo? Before talking about meaning, legends and other things related to clouds, it is useful to know what and how many types of clouds exist.

Cirrocumuli: those clouds that inspire the saying “the sky is in the sheep, the rain in the ponds”, because they resemble real sheep side by side.

Cumulonimbus clouds: This type of cloud very often resembles whipped cream because, in addition to being very large and developing vertically, they have a really soft and cocoon-like appearance.

Cumulation: This is essentially a classic cloud that we drew as a child and that we can use in a stylized version for a cloud tattoo. Their appearance is white and soft, which makes them especially beautiful!

Obviously, these are not all types of clouds that exist, but they are the ones most often tattooed. THE tattoo with clouds in fact, they are particularly well suited for coverbecause their color is full and the shape is malleable according to the needs.

Let's move on to The meaning of a cloud tattoo associated with different cultures and different historical moments.

Since this is a fairly obvious atmospheric phenomenon, clouds and legends were attributed to many cultures of the past. The Romans, for example, believed that the gods lived above the clouds. Even today, there are those who believe that clouds are the place from which angels observe people, and usually they sky-related.

A slightly different meaning attributed to clouds by Asian cultures. Many Chinese or Himalayan people believed clouds transformation and transition symbol... The clouds were also the personification of spirits and their unpredictable nature.

Another meaning of a tattoo with clouds goes back to their composition. Water and air forming clouds symbolize respectively purity and intelligence, our emotional sphere. These two elements together can make a cloud tattoo a symbol of purity, foresight and wisdom. Clouds also represent dreams, the world of fantasy and imagination (the expression "twisted in the clouds" is not accidentally used).

Also find out what cloud and rain tattoos mean

Image Source: Pinterest.com and Instagram.com
