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Small tattoo with arrows: photo and meaning

Thin, elongated, colored, black and white, with or without feathers, decorated with circles, flowers or inscriptions: i arrow tattoos This is one of the latest fashion trends in the world of tattoos, but they also come in many shapes and meanings. Here's a quick guide to picking the perfect arrow tattoo for you.

What do arrow tattoos mean?

As with any tattoo, Arrow tattoo meaning it always depends on the culture mentioned. In fact, in many cultures, men tattoo one or more arrows to bear the auspicious symbol that brings fertility and prosperity.

Un small arrow tattoo moreover, it can symbolize a choice, something from which no one wants or can return, just as an arrow released cannot return. Likewise, an arrow tattoo can also be a way to indicate a direction in life to move in, upcoming changes or a goal that has been set in front of us.

What about instead of tattoo with two arrows?

Two intersecting arrows can meanunion of two oppositeslike man and woman, fire and water, heaven and earth. Then there are more classical meanings, such as an arrow piercing the heart and meaning love, unless it is bloody: in this case, it symbolizes betrayal and the pain of love disappointment.

After that, there are a number of meanings that can be associated with different religions: martyrdom for Christians, the connection between God and the earth for Hindus, divine punishment for enemies in the case of Islam.

Arrow tattoos, in addition to their various meanings, remain a discreet subject, suitable for decorating arms, legs, neck. What style do you prefer? 🙂

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