» Articles » Ideas for Tattoos » Compass Chest Picture design – In search of great Picture design

Compass Chest Picture design – In search of great Picture design

For people who have discovered their own inner peace, a compass chest tattoo is definitely the right choice. Many people who are fascinated by the stars may opt for such a tattoo theme due to its symbolic meaning. Those who love astrology can also use this design to improve their belief system. No matter which zodiac sign you prefer, a chest compass tattoo will definitely look great on your body.

Pictures on chests with a compass - 4 great ideas for a new picture design


Compass paintings are very common and I'm sure you didn't know that many people chose this particular design because of its interesting history? In fact, the history of this particular design dates back to 2021! With that said, you have many more options if you want a unique image design. Here are some of my top compass chest image ideas that you should keep in mind when looking for the perfect tattoo.

A compass tattoo on the chest can mean many different things. One of my favorite options is a compass tattoo on the chest with a map attached to it. You have so many options when it comes to size and color. The two most beautiful options are a real chest tattoo with a compass and an arrow shaped chest tattoo inked on the chest. To make something more interesting, place two thinly drawn arrows under the collarbone, or choose a larger arrow to decorate the upper half of the torso. Choose a small compass chest tattoo for a more understated option, or a large arrow tattoo if you want to make a bold statement.