» Articles » Rosemary oil for hair improvement: recipes and reviews

Rosemary oil for hair improvement: recipes and reviews

Beautiful, voluminous hair with natural shine is the pride of the fairer sex. Rosemary oil is very useful for hair, it has a tonic and antimicrobial effect. Its use significantly improves the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Reviews of women indicate that when this agent is added to the shampoo, the freshness of the hair lasts longer.


To keep the curls always smooth and silky, they should be properly looked after. From time immemorial, masks, in which rosemary oil were often added, were used to fortifying drug... In this way, various hairline problems were fought.

Rosemary essential oil packaged

To eliminate dandruff

Experts in the field of cosmetology recommend using 5-8 drops of rosemary oil and 3 tsp for dandruff treatment. burdock for rubbing into the epidermis. After the procedure, the head should be covered with a bath cap and left for an hour. The actions should be repeated until the epidermis is completely healed, performing them on the eve of shampooing.

To prevent the appearance of dandruff, the procedure is repeated once every two weeks.

To prepare a mask that fights dandruff, you should take 2 tsp. fatty saturated oil, it can be olive, almonds or wheat germ, and combine it with esters of rosemary, tea tree, geranium, cedar and lavender, 3 drops each.

Rosemary oil in a bottle

To accelerate growth

Women who want to grow long hair should rub heated rosemary oil into their hair follicles. In addition, for these purposes, it will be effective rinse aid with the addition of this product that stimulates hair growth.

To make such a rinse, add five drops of oil to 200 ml of sparkling water. Washed curls should be thoroughly rinsed with them. This product does not need to be washed off the hair.

The systematic use of rosemary oil for hair significantly increases hair growth up to three centimeters per month. This is a lot, considering that, on average, in a person they grow by 1-1,5 cm per month.

Ingredients for making the mask

For strengthening and recovery

A mask that strengthens dry and normal hair is prepared in the proportion: 4 tsp. grape seed oil, two drops of calamus and rosemary, 2 tsp. jojoba, 1 drop each of birch and bey oils. The mass is rubbed into the hair follicles and dermis, massaging for about 5 minutes. After that, you need to cover your head with cellophane and warm it with a towel, and after an hour rinse with shampoo with an abundant stream of water.

For dry hair

A mask for brittle and dry hair is prepared by mixing macadamia, avocado and jojoba oils in the same proportion, namely 2 tsp each. It is also necessary to add aromatic oils here, among which:

  • Rosemary, ylang-ylang and calamus 2 drops each.
  • Birch, Bey and Chamomile - 1 drop each.

The ready-made fortifying potion is rubbed into the head and distributed throughout the volume curls. After that, the head must be wrapped in polyethylene, and on top with a thick towel. And after an hour, wash off with shampoo and abundant water pressure.

Hair Mask Components

For depleted curls

A mask for depleted hair is prepared with salt and aromatic oils. For 1 tbsp. salt goes 1 drop of black pepper oil, rosemary and basil, as well as 2 drops of ylang-ylang. After bringing the mixture to homogeneity, pour a mixture of two beaten chicken egg yolks into it. The finished mask is applied to the roots and curls for half an hour.

By the way, you can wash your hair with the same mixture, because, as you know, egg yolks are an excellent substitute for shampoo.

To stimulate growth

A mask for stimulating hair growth is prepared from the following components: 3 tsp. avocado, 1 tsp wheat germ, 0,5 tsp almonds and the same amount of lecithin. After stirring, add 20 drops of rosemary to the composition. Then the healing mask can be poured into a bottle and closed with a lid. It is applied to curls, previously washed and dried. It needs to be rubbed into the head with massage movements, evenly distributed along the length of the hairline, and in 5 minutes rinse with water.

Rosemary oil bottles

From baldness

An anti-baldness or partial hair loss mask can be prepared in several steps. For 10 tsp. olive oil goes 5 drops of rosemary. Add another sprig of rosemary to the composition and set aside in a sealed jar in a dark place for 3 weeks. The mask is applied by rubbing into the roots and then spreading along the entire length. After half an hour, you just need to wash your head from the mask.

For oily hair

A mask for strengthening and promoting the growth of oily hair is prepared from cosmetic green clay (1 tablespoon) diluted with warm water and brought to a homogeneous non-liquid consistency. Then add 10 drops of rosemary oil and 1 tbsp. vinegar, better than apple cider. The mask should be rubbed into previously washed hair. This should be done within 10 minutes, and then rinse off without shampoo under running warm water.

Rosemary oil, hair condition after its application

Rosemary essential oil for hair has a positive effect on hair follicles and improves blood circulation, which helps to revitalize them. To determine the skin reaction to rosemary, it is important before use make a test... For this, a small amount of the product should be applied to the hand.

It is worth noting that after application, the product causes a burning sensation, which, with a normal body reaction to rosemary, disappears after 3 minutes.

Reviews on the use of rosemary oil

I am a lover of essential oils and use them often. My hair has never been perfect - it is sparse, falls out and has an oily sheen. That's why I decided to start treating them. Added rosemary to masks. After two weeks, an obvious effect was noticeable. Hair stopped falling out, became softer and stronger. I am very pleased with the results from the use of this tool!

Katya, 33 years old.

Before buying rosemary oil, I read reviews about it. Deciding to try the product on my hair, I decided to try adding it to the shampoo when shampooing. I also add it to conditioners and masks. I add 3 drops to the shampoo and conditioner, and 5 drops to the masks. The curls become better and easier to comb. After the first application, I lost a lot of hair, but then the follicles strengthened, and this effect was no longer there. I am delighted with my new discovery!

Anna, 24 years old.

I want to say that rosemary oil is now on guard for the beauty of my hair. Thanks to the reviews, I learned that the product is safe for everyday use and is great for oily hair, so I decided to buy it. I found it at the pharmacy at a very reasonable price. I add 3-5 drops to the shampoo when I wash my head. The result was not long in coming. The rosemary shampoo lathers more and the hair immediately becomes softer. No balm or conditioner is required after washing. Plus, my hair is shinier, easier to style, and relatively clean and silky to the touch after the day is over. Now I understand that the positive reviews about rosemary oil are justified.

Olga, 38 years.

I love to take care of my hair. For this, I am constantly looking for drugs and folk remedies. Once I came across an article and reviews about the properties of essential oils and their use in cosmetology. It said that rosemary oil accelerates hair growth and strengthens it. I decided to try it and bought it at a pharmacy kiosk. I didn't make complicated masks, I decided to just add 3 drops of the product to the shampoo and balm. Even my hairdresser noticed that my hair began to grow quickly. Now I don't even think about parting with rosemary! As far as I know, the oil has several uses, but so far I've only experimented with hair.

Marina, 29 years old.