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Hair thickening masks

Masks for thickening and thickening hair contain in many cases alcoholic components, sour cream, which acts as a means to thicken the curls. No other means will give your them a rich shine, health, as natural folk remedies will do.

They have come down to us from time immemorial, they never cease to amaze the best half of humanity with their harmlessness and quality impact.

Recommendations for proper care

The hair structure is influenced by the individual characteristics of each specific organism. What determines the beauty, splendor, excellent appearance of the hairstyle?

Factors have a direct impact.

Their lack, or vice versa, an overabundance can significantly affect the body, the vital systems of the body will begin to suffer.

  • Food rich in micronutrients. Attention should be paid to the calorie content of the product. Herbal ingredients (lettuce, fresh carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini), cereals (fresh corn, wheat grains, bran) are perfect.
    It is useful to change your diet with cereals, milk soups. Don't forget about foods that contain iron (pomegranate and pomegranate juice, cherries, liver).
    Dried fruits (prunes, dried apricots), all types of nuts purposefully affect one or another organ. It is impossible not to remember about the valuable dietary product - fish, seafood.

[tds_info]You must have the whole storehouse of food in your refrigerator, include it in your diet every day.[/tds_info]

  • Like the face, the scalp requires moisturizing procedures that can refresh, fill the skin with life-giving nutrients (conditioners-moisturizers, prepared at home based on, for example, dairy products; clay masks or herbs).
  • A small massage of the scalp under the supervision of a specialist well activates blood flow to the cells, improves blood circulation, deceiving processes.
  • Use hair care products that are not capable of damaging the roots, hair follicles and their entire length.
  • Coloring should be done with gentle natural products suitable for your hair type.
  • Maintain personal hygiene by washing strands as they become dirty.
Hair care. How to make hair thicker and fuller.
The simplest and proven recipe

Essential oil blends

Strong and thick hair gives a good volume to the hairstyle. Masks for their thickening, density at home are good because you can find a good recipe, without rushing anywhere, prepare yourself in a calm home environment, observing the recipe, and perform the necessary actions.

Apply masks based on natural oils once a week for a period of 1 months. They should be applied to damp, clean strands - this will speed up the effect.

Ylang-ylang for split ends

The composition nourishes and moisturizes dry ends that have lost their good appearance.

Hair regenerating mask

Mask that saves from the problem of falling out

Restores hair follicles, acts as a light fixative.

Gelatin lamination by acting on each hair

With air conditioning humidifier.
Dissolve gelatin in warm water. Stir until the composition is homogeneous. Add a spoonful of conditioner. Apply to hair. Insulate. Hold for 20 minutes. Wash off with running water.

With the yolk of a chicken egg.
Mix the prepared gelatin (dissolved in water) with the yolk of a chicken egg. Gradually add orange, tangerine, lime or lemon juice to the resulting mixture. Leave it on your head for 40 minutes. Rinse off thoroughly.

The composition of the mask from the available ingredients

Noble herbal mask with burdock extract

Mix burdock juice or burdock oil with liquid honey.

Apply to the head for a few hours.
The mixture has excellent restorative and cleansing properties.

Protein mask based on kefir product

Protein with the addition of warm water, crushed sugar and any dairy product (yogurt, kefir, sour cream) works in an amazing way.

We keep it for 45 minutes, rinse it off.

Henna - light natural color solution

Pour half a glass of henna powder with boiled water.
Add egg yolk, some rubbing alcohol and a tablespoon of the oil that works best for your hair.

Let the mass brew.
Distribute in strands.

Make these masks at home. This will arouse considerable interest, bring great benefits, and diversify your leisure at home!

Budget and effective henna recipe

To keep your hair healthy, thick, here is another recipe, because thickness plays the first and main role.

Of course, it is important that you cannot argue with genes, but improving the condition of weakened curls is a feasible task. There are many interesting recipes, there are even favorites, we tried to highlight the best ones.

You can change some components, come up with your own recipes. So far, the most optimal options for combining different products are.

[tds_council]Nourishing and moisturizing dry, brittle hair will be noticeable after the first application.
[/ tds_council]

Honey and milk recipe

Composition: 2 tablespoons of honey, mix with milk, until the honey is completely saturated with milk.

Application: Apply the mixture evenly along the entire length, then cover the head with polyethylene, wrap it with a towel.

We wait about half an hour, after which we wash off the mixture with warm water using shampoo.

for those who love bread, it can be used in hair growth recipe - of course black is better.
We have many interesting recipes.

An oil-based thickening mask for blonde curls

Burdock oil is the best remedy for nourishing hair weakened by thermal and chemical influences.

Composition: A few tablespoons of burdock oil, add liquid vitamins E and A.

Application: We apply the resulting mixture along the entire length, especially abundantly on the ends, since they need abundant nutrition and moisture. We leave it all night, in the morning we wash it off with shampoo, balm, be prepared that the head will have to be washed at least 3 times.

These masks, in addition to a visible improvement in their condition, nourish the hair from the inside.

After several months of such procedures, you will be able to boast of volume and thickness, good luck in your experiments with various products. Follow our advice.