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Depilation of intimate areas with cream

Today, depilation is a fairly popular procedure. It allows you to quickly and completely painlessly remove unwanted hair. However, in order for the depilation to be efficient and safe, you should choose the right quality depilatory cream. Today we will talk about the features of depilators and highlight some of the best hair removal products.

Features of depilation of the bikini area

Removing hairs in the sensitive intimate area requires special care and attention. This part contains many nerve endings, so the procedure can be very painful... In addition, in the bikini area, the skin is very delicate and sensitive. This feature prevents most depilation methods from being used. Consider the most popular methods of hair removal in intimate places.

Use of special electric epilators allows you to quickly remove hair. However, a significant disadvantage of this method is severe pain. To reduce pain, it is recommended to stretch the skin a little and shave the hairs against the growth. Also, you can use special pain relieving creams or gels.

Another popular depilation method is with wax... It is recommended to use hot wax for depilation of the bikini area. The high temperature helps open the pores and relieves pain. The waxing effect lasts for more than a month.

Removing leg hair with wax strips

Today, a relatively new method of depilation is gaining more and more popularity - shugaring... This is hair removal by means of sugar. This technique is suitable for almost all women. Sugar works gently on the skin, preventing irritation, and quickly removes even the toughest hairs.

Remains no less in demand chemical depilation, which involves the use of a depilatory cream.

Depilatory cream in the palm of your hand

The mechanism of action of the depilatory cream

Depilatory cream has a very high pH level. Thanks to this, it quickly dissolves hairs and removes them from the surface of the skin.

Depilatory creams are softer than wax or razors and are therefore suitable for sensitive and delicate areas.

In order to understand how depilatory cream works, you should consider its composition.

  • Thioglycolate is an alkaline salt that has an unpleasant odor. Calcium thioglycollate breaks down keratin proteins.
  • Calcium hydroxide is a white powder that creates an alkaline environment. This chemical reaction is necessary for the depilatory cream to effectively break down keratin.
  • Emollients are fat-like substances that gently care for the skin, making it soft and tender. Often mineral oils, paraffin, petroleum jelly are added to the composition of depilators. All of these substances create a protective layer on the skin's surface that retains moisture.

Depilatory products

In addition to the above components, additional substances (fragrances, vegetable oils and extracts) may be included in the hair removal cream. Depilatory can contain the following natural ingredients:

  • Olive oil. It contains a large amount of squapen, a moisturizing element. In addition, olive oil contains vitamins A, E, D, calcium, iron and other trace elements.
  • Silk extract contains valuable amino acids, smoothes the skin and promotes cell regeneration.
  • Shea butter is loaded with triglycerides, a substance that is formed by fatty acids. Thanks to this, Shea butter moisturizes and softens delicate skin.
  • Aloe extract penetrates into the deepest skin integuments and moisturizes them.
  • Hop extract improves skin tone and restores fat balance.

The mechanism of action of such funds is quite simple. The chemicals they contain break down keratin (the building block of every hair). This dissolves the hair on the skin's surface and leaves the hair follicle intact.

Additional components of depilatory creams moisturize and nourish the skin, give it a healthy look and elasticity.

Depilation of legs with cream

Benefits and contraindications

Depilatory cream has many advantages, both over a razor and over wax:

  • It has a gentle effect on the skin in intimate areas.
  • Provides absolutely painless depilation.
  • This method of removing unwanted hair belongs to the budget category. Unlike expensive laser hair removal, creams are inexpensive, and one tube is enough for several times.
  • Depilatory cream is an effective remedy. It efficiently removes even the toughest and longest hairs.
  • It does not leave unpleasant consequences in the form of irritation, peeling and itching.
  • The procedure can be carried out without much difficulty on your own at home. Plus, it doesn't take long.

Despite all the advantages of this method of depilation, it has a number of contraindications... Depilatory cream should not be used if the skin has mechanical damage, irritation, benign and malignant tumors. In addition, this procedure is contraindicated for pregnant women (since chemical components can cause allergic reactions, itching and irritation).

Bikini area after using the cream

How to use

Depilatory cream is quite convenient to use. The procedure for hair removal in intimate places with its help can be carried out independently, without the help of specialists. So how to use depilatory cream?

Before the procedure, it is recommended to make sure that there is no allergy to the components of the depilator.

To do this, apply a small amount of cream to your wrist and watch the skin's reaction. If after 5-10 minutes itching or redness does not appear, then this remedy is safe for your skin.

The depilation procedure with a special cream is carried out in several stages:

  1. Thoroughly cleanse the bikini area with a gentle soap and gel. Dirt and grease will interfere with the action of the depilator and reduce the effectiveness of the treatment.
  2. Dry your skin with a soft towel. Remember that you can only apply the cream to dry skin.
  3. Apply a thin layer of cream evenly to the bikini area.
  4. After 15 minutes, use a special thin spatula to remove the cream along with the thinned hairs.
  5. Rinse off any remaining hair and products with lukewarm water. Wipe your skin gently with a towel.

Smooth legs without excess vegetation

Top 7 best depilators

We present to your attention the 7 best creams for depilation of intimate areas.

«Velvet» - Inexpensive cream for hair removal in the bikini area, underarms and legs. The product contains extracts of chamomile and verbena, which have an anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect.

Depilatory cream Velvet

Easy Depil - effective cream for depilation of the bikini area. The product contains extracts of dwarf oak and other plants, wheat proteins and almond oil. Thanks to this, Easy Depil moisturizes and softens the skin, as well as forms a protective layer that prevents moisture loss.

«Veet» - a gentle cream designed to remove unwanted hairs in intimate areas, armpits, legs and arms. The main advantage of such a tool is its high efficiency. The cream dissolves hair in a few minutes. In addition, Veet's products contain aloe and chamomile extracts that moisturize and nourish the skin, prevent irritation and unpleasant itching.


"Sally Hansen" - an effective tool for removing excess hair in the bikini area, on the face and hands. The cream contains collagen and vitamin E, which give the skin a healthy look, make it soft and elastic.

"Cliven" - a soft cream for depilation of the bikini area, face, arms and armpits. The product contains vegetable oils and extracts, as well as lanolin (animal wax). These substances make the skin soft and velvety, nourish it and retain moisture.


"Shary" - depilatory cream that can be used to remove even the most coarse hair in intimate areas, arms and legs. The product contains almond oil, which has strong regenerating and moisturizing properties.

"Hairoff"  - a relatively inexpensive tool for depilation of intimate places, hands and face. The composition contains chamomile extracts, vitamins C and E, aloe juice. Hairoff works fast enough. As a rule, 5-7 minutes is enough for hair removal.


Useful Tips

  1. As a rule, after depilation with the help of a cream, hair in intimate places begins to grow after 5-7 days. For a longer effect, it is recommended to choose agents that slow down the growth of hairs.
  2. It should be remembered that such products contain many chemical components that, with regular use, irritate and damage the skin. Depilatory creams can be used no more than 1 time per week.
  3. Before the procedure, be sure to read the instructions for the depilator. Remember that the cream cannot be kept on the skin for longer than the specified time. This can lead to clogged pores and skin irritation.
  4. It is recommended to peel the skin before the procedure. The scrub will help remove dead skin cells.
  5. After depilation of the bikini area, it is recommended to use special products that slow down the growth of hairs and fatty creams.

Depilation is a procedure every woman should know about the features. This method of removing unwanted hair is not only the safest, but also the most effective.