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Getting rid of hair on hands: methods and methods

Hair - dark or light, fine and soft or dense and coarse - is always uncomfortable. And as summer approaches, the desire to remove unwanted vegetation reaches its climax. How to remove hair on your hands, what methods of depilation are better to use, is it possible to get rid of hairs forever - all these questions occupy the minds of both young girls and mature women.


One of the most gentle methods, practically without causing consequences, can be safely called hair discoloration. Treatment of the hairline with hydroperite or hydrogen peroxide allows not so much to remove as to make the hairs on the hands invisible.

With regular use of a chemical reagent, the hairs begin to grow weaker and thinner, and the optimal effect - hair loss immediately after treatment - is achieved after several months of using hydroperite.

This method is suitable for owners of dark, but not thick hairs. If there is abundant vegetation on the forearms, it is better to use another depilation option. By the way, hydroperite can cause irritation, and therefore, if you are not sure whether you have allergies, check the skin at the bend of the elbow - a couple of drops of the product will help to understand this issue.

Hydrogen peroxide, hydroperite


The traditional and most popular method is shaving. The method is readily available, does not require large costs and investments, but has a number of consequences:

  • In just a couple of days, the hairs begin to grow back. Of course, this is not as noticeable on the hands as, for example, in the armpits, however, with dark, coarse hairs, there may be discomfort.
  • Many girls noticed: with regular shaving, the hairs begin to grow faster, become coarser and darker, and sometimes several hairs can appear from one bulb. This effect is not observed by all razor lovers in the fight against excess hairs, it is deeply individual, but it cannot be ignored.
  • Sensitive and delicate skin immediately after shaving becomes covered with small spots - "scratches", becomes irritated and painfully sensitive to touch. Of course, in such cases, it is necessary to immediately use a cream, and sometimes drugs, but the effect is obvious.

Shaving hands: before and after

Depilatory creams

Chemical methods for removing unwanted hair include various depilatory creams. Manufacturers delight us with special products for hands, feet, face and intimate areas - the difference in the degree of exposure to the skin. By the way, if you do not have a special means for depilation of the forearm zone, you can use a cream "for basic depilation" or a cream "for legs".

The result of using such funds depends on the structure of the hairline and on the composition of the drug used.

Hair removal on hands with depilatory cream

Hands stay smooth and gentle in between 3-10 days... This method also has its drawbacks: a frequent allergic reaction to any of the components of the cream and the problem of ingrown hairs - perhaps no other remedy is so fraught with the appearance of ingrown hairs as depilatory creams.

And this video shows how you can get rid of hair on hands with a depilatory cream:

Epilation and depilation. Removing the hair on the hands!


Using an electric epilator to remove hairs - the way painful, but extremely reliable. In addition, the effect of mechanical hair removal can be observed for several weeks. To reduce soreness, you can use pharmaceuticals such as lidocaine. After the end of the procedure, it is recommended to treat the skin with soothing agents after epilation - creams, balms, lotions.

Using an electric epilator


Waxing or waxing is the removal of hairs with heated wax. The wax is heated, applied to the skin of the hands, fixed with a paper or cloth strip, and then the strip is torn off with a sharp movement against the growth of the hair. The wax temperature should not exceed 37 degrees - the composition heated above the recommended value can cause burns. The wax must be applied with a special spatula applicator in a thin layer.

To remove hairs from your hands, you can use wax in cartridges - it is much easier and faster, especially in home hair removal conditions.

Waxing procedure

The advantages include the long-term effect - the next session of hair removal will be required only after three to four weeks. Of the minuses - the relative painfulness of the procedure plus a possible allergic reaction to wax (if the mixture contains a natural bee product).

How a professional beautician removes hair with wax can be seen in this video.


Sugar hair removal or shugaring is perhaps the most reliable and qualitative method getting rid of hair. It is especially good in that it removes even tough, thick black hairs - these unpleasant hairs may not "catch" with wax.

The sugar mixture is applied to the skin with the help of fingers or, less often, with a special spatula, then, with a sharp movement of the hand, it is removed according to hair growth. The quick, jerky movements make the procedure less painful and reduce the risk of ingrown hairs.

Hair removal with sugar paste

Laser and photo epilation

A rather expensive method of getting rid of vegetation is the use of a laser or photoepilator. Yes, these methods are positioned as a way to get rid of hairs completely, but to achieve such an effect very difficult... The fact is that both the laser and the flash units act only on active bulbs, destroying them during the epilation process. However, there are a lot of hair follicles in the layers of the skin, and new ones “wake up” to replace the destroyed ones - and they, in turn, also need to be processed with a laser.

Laser hair removal for hands

In fairness, it should be noted that getting rid of hair on your hands in this way is much easier than on your legs or in the bikini area.