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How to remove redhead from hair yourself?

Cold ash pigment is the most unstable, as a result of which only high-level professionals are able to achieve and maintain it. What is most surprising is that most often it is its owners who first try to change the shade and temperature of the canvas in every possible way, and then try to return the coveted ash back. And at this moment the question arises: how to remove redhead from hair after dyeing? Is it even possible to return to the original cold at all, or is it easier to cut off anything that is not natural?

Cold blond - dream or reality?

First of all, it should be noted that a similar problem arises not only with light blond (7-8 level), which will be discussed a little later, but also with very light blondes (9-10 level), when a girl, trying to achieve almost snow-white canvas, actively increases the base with powder or oxygenate in 12%, but in the end it gets yellow or red strands (depending on the source). Why is this happening and can it be avoided?

After full bleaching, when the pigment is removed, the hair always gets a yellow or red tint. The same goes for using a remover, which also works like an eraser.

Ryzhina on blond hair

Any of these actions must be accompanied by toning, and it will have to be repeated several times to "drive in" the new pigment and "seal" it. The reason lies in the fact that any brightening composition is focused on destroying brown and black pigments (eu-melanin), while the rest, which make up the pheo-melanin group, remain and are actively manifested in the absence of neutralizers. In addition, if a woman is trying to achieve lightening of dark hair, she several times acts on them with a strong aggressor, opening the cuticle and damaging it. Thus, the hair becomes porous and is not able to hold the pigment: this explains the rapid washing out of any tinting, no matter what color is chosen for it.

The level of shade depth and background clarification (table)

On light brown hair, the red color will always appear much more actively than on black hair, since eu-melanin is practically or completely absent in them.

Thus, girls who want to maintain a high base in a cold temperature are forced not only to choose a master colorist wisely, but also to understand that they will have to diligently maintain the result:

  • First, do not use oils in the care that wash out the dye.
  • Secondly, purchase a line of products aimed directly at colored hair.
  • Thirdly, after each shampooing, rinse the strands with blue Tonic.

How to remove reddishness from hair that has already been dyed and began to lose pigment? Purple shampoo will not help here, as it is a yellowness neutralizer. If you look at the color wheel, you will notice that there is blue opposite the orange one. Accordingly, blue nuances are needed.

Rinse Aid Recipe based on "Tonika" looks like this: take 1-2 tbsp for 3 liter of water. preparation, stir it well and dip the hair into the resulting liquid, leaving it for 1-2 minutes. Do not keep it longer, because the pigmentation of "Tonika" is very high, and a distinct blue color may appear on light (especially level 9-10) curls.

Elimination of redness from hair: before and after procedures

In addition, the tint itself with a seven-permanent dye will have to be carried out through every 14 days, especially if you are used to washing your hair every day or every other day, thereby contributing to the rapid washout of the color. In addition, if we are talking directly about the inability of the hair to hold the pigment, this signals its porosity, and therefore requires treatment or at least cosmetic "sealing".

Lamination or enrobing, which is available even at home, can be a good solution.

Ryzhina on dark hair: can you get rid of it?

If this shade appeared after using dyes of level 5 and higher, and, moreover, initially not focused on a warm color, most likely a mistake was made somewhere in the procedure. This mainly happens when the master ignores the original base... The result that a particular tube should give always depends on the surface on which the product is applied: both the condition of the hair (have it been dyed before?) And their shade are taken into account. To eliminate most of the unpleasant surprises, you need to learn the basics of color.

On dark hair, a reddish tint appears either as a result of attempts to bleach the dyed base, or when switching to light brown (i.e. less obvious lightening).

Also, a similar situation occurs if you put the same warm dye on a warm base, or try to cool it with an insufficient amount of neutralizer.

Ryzhina on dark hair

If you monthly lower the level (make the color darker) to 5 and lower, having initially light brown hair, the cold pigment will be washed out constantly, and mainly at the roots. The length will clog up rather quickly, and the growing part will get rid of the dye just like this: getting warmer and acquiring copper nuances. To prevent this from happening, professionals advise to carry out lowering the level of oxide in 2,7-3% - it reveals scales to a lesser extent and therefore the cold pigment disappears with it not as quickly as with 6% or 9% oxide. Moreover, the latter are designed to increase the base by more than 2 levels.

  • Use only professional dye and add mixtons or correctors to the main shade. These are special highly pigmented formulations that represent a pure color: green, red, purple, etc. You need blue, as mentioned earlier.
  • The mixton is added according to the rule of 12: the number of the base (into which the staining takes place) is subtracted from 12, and the figure obtained after these calculations is equal to the number of mixton for every 60 ml of the dye. For example, you are brown-haired, level 4. Then you need 8 g or 8 cm of the corrector, while additional oxygen is not added.
  • Focus on the nuances of the original canvas: a reddish tint can have a golden tint and a reddish one. In this case, both purple and green correctors are used. For enhancement, you can use pearl or ashy, but it is better if this nuance is present in the main dye.
  • For those who are looking for a beautiful cold color from dyeing, professionals advise buying a dye with the number "0" after the dot, which means a natural (with a green undertone) base, or with the number "1" - this is ash. And already apply a blue or purple corrector on it.

Shade table

It is impossible to derive a single formula for obtaining a cold dark (or light brown) shade without knowing which base to start from. It is for this reason that hairdressers on the forums never write to clients the exact scheme of actions - they can only roughly outline the steps to get out of the situation, but not vouch for the perfect result.

Everything that you do without the supervision of the master will be at your own peril and risk. However, in fairness it should be noted that some women, even at home, managed to get rid of unwanted pigment after staining.