» Articles » How to remove a red tint from hair quickly and reliably?

How to remove a red tint from hair quickly and reliably?

In whatever color the girl is painted, if she uses a chemical composition of high resistance, the scales open, damage to the hair structure. This leads to the fact that the pigment introduced inside is gradually washed out, and instead of a beautiful color, red highlights appear. They do not always look right and are not always desirable. How to remove a red tint from your hair at home and what to do if it comes from nature?

How to remove the red nuance from natural hair?

If you want to change the shade of your hair without resorting to coloring, you can try folk recipes masks and rinses. True, there is one important nuance here: brightening compositions work only on light brown hair, and those that can act on dark ones will lower the base - i.e. make them even darker, give chocolate, coffee, chestnut tones. It is impossible to simply remove the natural reddish shade without destroying the hair structure, since it is an internal and very persistent pigment.

Red tint on hair

The simplest and most effective recipes for a safe home hair color change:

  • Squeeze the juice from 2 lemons, cutting them lengthwise (this way you can get more liquid), mix with 50 ml of chamomile decoction. The broth is prepared like this - 1 tbsp. flowers need to pour 100 ml of boiling water, bring to a boil, cool. Dampen your hair with this mixture, go out into the sun and sit for 2-3 hours.
  • Wash your hair with shampoo, in which a spoonful of baking soda has been added (not in a bottle, but in a serving for 1 time), distribute heated honey over the squeezed hair. Wrap them in plastic, put on a hat on top. You need to walk with a mask for 5-6 hours, if possible, do it at night.
  • On dark blond hair, cinnamon will show itself well: a tablespoon of the powder should be dissolved in 100 ml of liquid honey, add a portion of the usual balm, and distribute through damp hair. Wash off after 1-2 hours with shampoo.
  • To get rid of red pigment on very light hair, you can try this composition: grind 100 g of fresh rhubarb root, add a few of its sprouts, 300 ml of boiling water. Bring the herb to a boil, simmer over medium heat until only 100 ml of liquid remains. The broth must be drained, rinsed in the hair and dried naturally.

Lemon juice to remove ginger tint

Keep in mind that folk remedies are not an alternative to paint, they will not work quickly. Even in order to remove the shade, and not radically change the color, you need to repeat the procedure several times.

Fortunately, given the safety of these mixtures, they can be applied to hair on a daily basis. The only caveat is that professionals advise alternate masks and rinses: if today was honey, tomorrow make a decoction of chamomile, etc.

How to get rid of unwanted redhead when coloring?

Firstly, in no case do not use a chemical wash - it has a very harsh effect on the hair, revealing the scales as much as possible and "pulling out" the pigment from under them. What will remain on your head after such a procedure is tough, porous hair, which will have to be urgently clogged with new pigment and diligently smoothed the cuticle. In addition, after washing, the hair has either a copper or a reddish tint, so the famous "wedge by wedge" will not work here.

Shade table

So, how to get rid of the reddish tint if it appeared due to unsuccessful staining? There are only 2 ways:

  • re-staining;
  • make some folk masks and be protonated.

By and large, everything eventually comes to one thing - the need to dilute the dye again. However, the algorithm through the use of masks is attractive from the point of view that it will heal your hair, which is hit twice by the chemical composition in a short period of time. Thus, first you need to do the following:

  1. Mix 100 ml of kefir with egg yolk, 2 tbsp. cognac, 1 tsp. alcoholic infusion of calendula and juice of half a lemon. Apply to damp hair, rub in, leave overnight.
  2. In the morning, wash off the mask with running water and deep cleansing shampoo. On wet strands, apply a mixture of almond and argan oil, hold for 1-1,5 hours. Wash off with regular shampoo. Finally, use any conditioner.

After a couple of days, when a natural fatty film re-forms on the scalp, you can re-staining, which will help you remove the reddish tint. It is quite easy to get rid of it if you mix the chemical composition correctly. To do this, it is important to evaluate the undertones of red: copper, yellow or carrot. Then you need to purchase paint.

  • To avoid a new nuisance in the form of a shade that does not suit you, buy a professional product, where coloring cream, oxygenating agent, and correctors are selected separately.
  • To remove copper-red, you need to take a paint with a natural base (x.00; for example, 7.00 - natural light brown) and a little blue corrector.
  • To get rid of the yellow-red nuance, you need paint with a pearl undertone (x.2).
  • To eliminate the carrot-red hue, blue pigment is needed (x.1).

The amount of corrector you need calculate separately: for this, the severity of the redhead, and the length of the hair, and their original color, and the amount of paint spent on the procedure are taken into account. On a dark base, you can take a little more mixton, but on a light base (especially blond), you need to weigh it literally drop by drop, otherwise you will have to look for a way to wash off the blue or green nuance, not the red one.

For 60 ml of paint and 60 ml of activator lotion, professionals advise calculating the mixon according to the "12-x" rule, where x is the base level. The resulting figure is centimeters or grams.

If you need to get rid of very pronounced redheads on blond hair, it is recommended to carry out the procedure 2 times a month, with an interval of 10-14 days. At the same time, it should be understood that it is impossible to wash off this nuance forever, especially from colored hair, so the use of leveling correctors should become your habit.

It is also important to know that the higher the percentage of oxygen, the higher the likelihood of the rapid development of red pigment when the paint is washed out: a high percentage reveals the scales too much. If you don't want to do toning on a weekly basis, use a 2,7-3% oxidizer.

Hair coloring / FROM RED TO RUSSIAN / For 1 time

In conclusion, it should be noted that on light colored hair, yellow and red nuances appear most quickly, on dark ones you can get rid of them for 3-4 weeks. Therefore, when choosing a shade for coloring, immediately familiarize yourself with all its pros and cons.