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Do tattoos prevent or cause skin cancer?

Have you ever heard anyone say that I tattoos contribute to the development of skin cancer? For many, this opportunity has become a real deterrent, but there is good news. If you love tattoos, especially black ink tattoos, you will be pleased to read the following.

In fact, a recent study found that black ink tattoo (obviously, observing all the rules of hygiene and using high-quality pigments), reduce the risk of skin cancer... The original thesis was that black tattoos can cause skin cancer due to substances in the ink such as benzopyrene. UV rays also cause skin cancer. Thus, it is theoretically clear that the combination of these two factors can be even more problematic and dangerous. However, there have been no previous studies supporting this thesis.

As of today, no.

The study was carried out in the city of Bispebjerg Hospital, in Denmark using 99 laboratory mice. They were divided into two groups: one group was "tattooed" using a tattoo ink called Starbrite Tribal Black ™, a brand often accused of being carcinogenic (including benzopyrene), while the other group did not get tattooed at all. Both groups were regularly exposed to ultraviolet rays, as we do when we sunbathe at sea or the like.

Much to the surprise of the researchers, the results show that mice tattooed with black ink and exposed to ultraviolet rays develop skin cancer later and more slowly than mice without tattoos. So do tattoos prevent or cause skin cancer? Thus, black tattoos do not necessarily prevent skin cancer, but at least prevent the development of skin cancer caused by ultraviolet rays. Il In any case, 90% of skin cancers are caused by improper or unprotected exposure to sunlight. Because of this, it is always good to know how to protect your skin (and your tattoos) from sun damage.

But what is the explanation for this surprising result? It is likely that the black color of the tattoo absorbs light, preventing UV rays from reflecting in the more superficial layers of the skin, where cancer cells usually develop. Moreover, during the experiment, there was not a single there are no cases of cancer caused by the tattoo itself among guinea pigs and the test also proved that tattoos were the least likely allergy factor. Obviously, the test was done in rodents, so we are not sure if the same results can be recorded in humans, although the chances are high.

note: This article is based on a reliable scientific source. However, these studies are subject to change after the publication of this article.