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What does jewelry say about a woman?

We can only make a first impression once and it is impossible to change it. Each of us judges others by appearances - that's the way it is, and there is no point in deceiving ourselves that someone else is acting differently. Of course, opinions about people can change over time, but the first associations are usually very difficult to get rid of. Therefore, what we wear - clothes, shoes, accessories, including jewelry - say a lot more about us than you think. What does jewelry tell us about the people we meet every day at work, at a party or on the street?


Sole of company

The person who wears every day attractive jewelrysuch as, for example, large hoop earrings, thick shiny necklaces or slightly extravagant, eye-catching rings, probably an active person, vigorous i very communicative. If we meet such a person at a party, there is a good chance that he will be surrounded by a wreath of friends and everyone will want to talk to him. Due to their honest and joyful nature, such people always attract people and enjoy a large company of friends.



Classic elegance

Pearl earrings or necklaces, as well as simple and elegant jewelry - the most common choice of people who, above all, value traditions and family values. They love peace and quiet and most often spend time with their relatives and a small group of close friends. These people also choose classic interiors and furniture, as well as clothing. Beats from them tranquility i composure.



The best of the best

People who bet on Jewelry the tallest qualitythey also usually pay attention to detail and are very thorough. They never take half measures and always try to be the first. Moreover, such people are also very demanding not only to others, but above all to themselves. When choosing jewelry, always focus on Products the tallest qualityregardless of their price.



Color Consistency

Jewelry bundled with io fine coincided do myself objects is the most frequent choice of decent, neat and well-organized people. These are people who always give good advice and lend a helping hand, although they may also have somewhat conservative views.




Setting trends

Large earrings, a necklace dug out of a grandmother's closet, or maybe a ring with a huge stone, as if taken straight from the catwalk? People with a rich and colorful personality, as well as with an artistic big, are most often drawn to expressive jewelrywhich is in line with the latest trends. Through jewelry and clothes to express what plays in their soul, and the whole styling is almost a form of art.



We hope you enjoyed our post today. But don't forget to handle it incredulously OkaAfter all, each of us is individual and the approach to choosing jewelry is also different. Would you like to combine a classic pearl necklace with a ring embellished with colored stones? Why not! The most important thing is to feel good in what we wear and always live in harmony with ourselves!

The jewelry contained in the article can be found in our online store allezloto.pl. We invite!

jewelry, earrings, necklace, ring