» Articles » 12 Times Sean From Texas Recapped What It's Like To Be Single On VE Day

12 Times Sean From Texas Recapped What It's Like To Be Single On VE Day

12 Times Sean From Texas Recapped What It's Like To Be Single On VE Day

Black tattoos that remind us all why Valentine's Day is a fake holiday.

While all the dreamy lovers are exchanging new gifts like pink teddy bears with heart-shaped bellies, expensive heart-shaped balloons, and boxes of heart-shaped chocolates with nasty fillings, most lonely people just as well pierce every piece of shit in the heart shape.

The showiness of Williams' body art is perfect for channeling the collective hatred that many of us share into commoditizing modern romance. His tattoos are deceptively simple, deliberately using a crude aesthetic to express the displeasure of society at large. With nothing more than thin lines, darkened shadows, and do-it-yourself touches, he creates body art that makes unabashed statements about what it means to exist as a human alienated from the mainstream.

The way Williams' work celebrates misanthropy and revels in nihilism is what makes it such an effective vehicle for exposing society's delusions. Depicting the futility of love in the face of imminent death, the cover undermines the values ​​that most hold dear, and in doing so, challenges the very essence of what makes shams like Valentine's Day possible. Thus, the brutal honesty of his work is refreshing.

To sympathize with a loveless existence with lots of Williams art, drag your lonely self to his Instagram or check out this other post. If you too want a tattoo that tells the rest of the honeymoon world to go to hell, he works privately in Los Angeles and can be contacted. [email protected]