» Art » Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci

At the end of 2017, the art world experienced a double shock. The work of Leonardo da Vinci was put up for sale. And such an event can be expected for another 1000 years. Moreover, it was sold for almost half a billion dollars. This is unlikely to ever happen again. But behind this news, not everyone had time to properly consider the picture itself ...

Savior of the world. All Pros and Cons by Leonardo da Vinci Read completely "

Leonardo da Vinci is the most famous artist in the world. Which in itself is amazing. There are only 19 surviving paintings by the master. How is this possible? Two dozen works makes the artist the greatest? It's all about Leonardo himself. He is one of the most extraordinary people ever born. Inventor of various mechanisms. The discoverer of many phenomena. Virtuoso musician. And also a cartographer, a botanist ...

Paintings by Leonardo da Vinci. 5 timeless masterpieces Read completely "

Madonna Litta (1491). A loving mother holds her child. Who sucks at the breast. Virgin Mary is beautiful. The baby bears a striking resemblance to the mother. He looks at us with serious eyes. The picture is small, only 42 x 33 cm. But it strikes with its monumentality. The small space of the picture contains something very important. The feeling that you are present at an event that is not subject to time. …

"Madonna Litta" by Leonardo da Vinci. Unusual details of a masterpiece Read completely "

The Last Supper (1495-1498). Without exaggeration, the most famous wall painting. It's hard to see her live though. It is not in a museum. And in the same refectory of the monastery in Milan, where it was once created by the great Leonardo. You will be allowed there only with tickets. Which need to be bought in 2 months. I haven't seen the fresco yet. But standing in front of...

Leonardo da Vinci "The Last Supper". Masterpiece Guide Read completely "

Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci (1503-1519) is the most mysterious painting. Because she is very popular. When there is so much attention, an unimaginable amount of secrets and conjectures appear. So I could not resist trying to unravel one of these mysteries. No, I will not look for encrypted codes. I will not solve the mystery of her smile. I'm concerned about something else. Why …

Leonardo da Vinci. The Mona Lisa Mystery That Little is Talked About Read completely "