» Art » Corey Huff explains how to sell art without a gallery

Corey Huff explains how to sell art without a gallery

Corey Huff explains how to sell art without a gallery

Corey Huff, creator of a brilliant art business blog, is dedicated to dispelling the myth of the starving artist. Through webinars, podcasts, blog posts, and coaching, Corey provides guidance on topics such as art marketing, social media strategies, and more. He also has a lot of experience in helping artists sell their work directly to their supporters. We asked Corey to share her experience on how you can successfully sell your art without a gallery.


1. Have a professional website

Most artists' websites don't display their portfolio well. Many of them have clunky interfaces and are overloaded. You want a simple website with a simple background. It's helpful to have a large display of your best work on the main page. I also recommend placing a call to action on the homepage. Some ideas are to invite the visitor to your next show, direct them to your portfolio, or ask them to sign up for your mailing list. Make sure your website has high quality large images of your work so people can see what they're looking at. Too many artists have tiny images in their online portfolio. This is especially hard to see on mobile devices. Take a look at mine for more information.

Illustration archive Note. You can easily add a link to your website for an additional showcase.

2. Organize your contacts

You need to make sure your contacts are organized into some sort of useful system. Last year I worked with an accomplished artist with over 20 years of experience selling art in galleries and outside of her studio. She wanted to promote her art online, but some of her contacts were in her planner, others in her email, and so on. It took us a week to organize all contacts by name, email, phone number, and address. Organize your contacts on the contact management platform. I recommend using something like keeping all your . The Art Archive allows you to link information, such as what art the contact has purchased. You can also organize your contacts into groups, such as art fair contacts and gallery contacts. Having something like this is really valuable.


1. Sell directly to art collectors

This means finding customers who will buy from you directly. You can find collectors by selling online, at art fairs, and at farmers' markets. Focus on showing your work to as many people as possible. And follow and keep in touch with people who show interest in your work. Add them to your mailing list in the contact management system.

2. Use art dealers and interior designers

Work with art dealers and interior designers to sell your work. Many of these people work to find art for hotels, hospitals and corporate collections. My friend went down this path. Much of his business is with interior designers and architecture firms. Every time new construction comes along, interior designers look for a few pieces of art to fill it in. An art dealer looks through their portfolio of artists and looks for art that fits the space. Build a network of agents who sell for you.

3. License your art

Another way to sell without a gallery is to license your work. An excellent example is . He is passionate about surfing and creates art that reflects this. As soon as his art became popular, he started making surfboards and other things with his art. This art was sold through retailers. You can also work with third party companies to incorporate your designs into their products. For example, if a company wants to feature your art on their coffee mugs. You can go to purchasing agents and set up a contract and down payment. In addition, you can earn royalties for sold items. There are many online companies that turn art into a bunch of different products. You can also walk through any retail store, look at art products and see who made them. Then go to the website and find the contact information of the buyers. There is a lot of useful information about art licensing on


Believe that you can do it

The most important element in selling your work outside of the gallery system is the belief that you can do it. Trust that people want your art and will pay money for it. Many artists are beaten up by their families, spouses, or college professors who tell them they can't make a living as artists. This is absolutely false. I know many artists who have had successful careers and I know that there are many successful artists that I have not met. The problem with the art community is that artists are relatively lonely and prefer to sit in their studio. Building a business is not easy. But like any other business venture, there are ways to succeed that you can emulate and learn from. You just need to get out there and start learning how to do it. Making a living creating art and selling it to enthusiasts is more than possible. It requires a lot of hard work and professionalism, but it is absolutely possible.

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