» Art » How to Get Important Art Criticism When You're Out of School

How to Get Important Art Criticism When You're Out of School

How to Get Important Art Criticism When You're Out of School

Oh, art school.

With a show of your hand, your teacher swooped in to help you figure out the next step in your essay or find out what detail you missed. Those were the times.

Of course, getting critical feedback on your art is still very important. There is always room for growth and development when you do your job the best you can. But where do you find that feedback when you're no longer in school or have chosen the wrong path? 

Whether you're looking for art criticism in a hurry or in depth, online or in person, we've rounded up four fantastic ways to get important feedback on your art.

1. Seminars and classes

Just because you don't attend school doesn't mean you can't get feedback from teachers and fellow students. Try your hand at a workshop or art class where artists of all levels can participate. This provides a great opportunity to not only hone your artistic skills, but also to be in the direct presence of someone who can take a critical look at your work.

Where can you find such classes? They are everywhere! One way to find them is to search by where they connect you with real instructors, workshops, art schools and art centers in your hometown or destination.

How to Get Important Art Criticism When You're Out of School

2. Online artist groups

Don't have time in your busy day to attend workshops? Get feedback in an instant by posting your art to online critique groups. There are many public and private groups on Facebook that you can join, where you can connect with fellow artists who are willing and able to critique your latest work.

Have you heard about ? This is a great online forum where you can post photos of your progress and get constructive feedback from other knowledgeable artists.

3. Associations of artists

What better way to gather these important critiques than to be surrounded by knowledgeable, dedicated artists.

, President and CEO, explains: “Artist associations are a great way to get feedback so you can continue to grow. Some organizations offer critique services. The first time I visited a national show (OPA), I signed up for a critique from a signed member and it was so helpful.”

So when , be aware of which organizations offer reviews of your work. This bonus can really help advance your artistic career! Find out more about the benefits of joining an artists' association.


How to Get Important Art Criticism When You're Out of School

4. Other artists

In addition to joining an artist association, reach out to your artist friends and other artists you admire and ask for their honest opinion.

The main thing to remember is that they are busy with their creative careers, so express your gratitude and understanding for their schedule. It's always better to say what you hope to hear from them when they have time.

Go look for that critique!

Constructive feedback can help take your art to the next level. But when an art school teacher is one arm's-length away, it's hard to find the critiques you need to grow. Searching for other artists online or through associations and workshops, you'll find testimonials to help take your artistic career up a notch.

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