» Art » How best to display and protect your art at home

How best to display and protect your art at home

How best to display and protect your art at home

Prevent art from sliding off the wall

Imagine that part of your art collection falls to the ground.

Professional hanger and art storage specialist Isaac Karner tells the story of a client who calls him in a rage because of a broken antique mirror. “It was strung with wire,” he said, “that’s not the right suspension system for something this big and heavy.” The mirror hung over antique furniture, which was also destroyed when the mirror fell.

There are many things to consider when it comes to caring for your artwork at home. You probably bought your products with a clear vision, but brought them home and found that you didn't consider the space, weight, and support to install them right away.

Think every time you move a work of art

Whether you're bringing home a new piece of art, or worried that your current collection isn't hanging securely, or - which is the biggest project of all - you're moving, the following list outlines ways to protect your art at home:

1. Hire a professional picture hanger

Professional art hangers know how to best support and hang art with the right materials. "It's a combination of what's on the back of the painting and what we put on the wall," Karner explains, "we go by weight and know what [hardware] will work."

Professional art hangers work with a variety of equipment and have a weight and size based system to hang your artwork. If you're confident that your art is hanging securely on the wall, it's worth it, we recommend hiring a professional.

2. Hang art away from doors and ventilation

When planning an art exhibition, assume it's a beautiful day with your doors and windows open. If a breeze or a sudden summer rain can come in through a mesh door and damage your item, it's a good idea to brainstorm in alternative locations.

You also want the artwork to not be exposed to direct drafts from your ventilation system. 

How best to display and protect your art at home

3. Place the art away from direct sunlight

Light damage is irreversible to your work of art. Curtains and blinds will protect your valuables from light damage, but we know there must be another solution. You don't have to close your blinds and deprive yourself of sunlight because you are a conscientious collector.

For those who like to let in natural light, consider translucent protective film for windows and skylights. “We try to take into account how much light the artwork will receive,” Karner says, “and suggest the best placement.”

Such companies specialize in transparent window protection that blocks UV radiation and heat. You can also protect your art from sunlight with special framed glass.

4. Frame everything

Framing your art collection is an investment. In addition to choosing a frame that complements the overall style of the piece, you want to choose the right glass to protect it from the elements. Here are the most common options:

  • Anti-reflective glass and ordinary glass: These are materials that are mainly used for frames, which you will find in a craft and household supply store. These options provide half to zero UV protection.

  • Plexiglas: Lighter glass, plexiglass protects from about 60% of UV rays.

  • Museum glass: This is the most effective glass to protect your art. Although it is the most expensive, it reflects less than 1% of light and blocks 99% of harmful UV rays. “We always recommend museum glass to protect works of art,” Karner confirms.

5. Keep your house around 70 degrees

The ideal temperature for storing artwork is between 65 and 75 degrees. Keep this in mind when you travel and leave your house empty. If the temperature at home rises to 90 degrees while you are out of town, consider leaving the air conditioning on during your trip.

6. Rotate your art display

By moving your art exhibition, you are more aware of the state of your collection. You can make sure the frames and substrates are in good condition and double check that the artwork is hanging on the best support available. It will also keep your senses fresh when it comes to understanding and adding to your collection.

7. Install and maintain smoke detectors

Make sure smoke detectors are installed 100 feet from all art in the house. Pay attention to whether you have a heat sensor or a smoke sensor. Heat detectors are commonly installed in homes because they protect against fire but do not protect against chilled smoke entering your home from a distant fire. Make sure your home's fire protection is a smoke detector and not a heat detector.

8. Don't Hang Valuable Art Above Your Fireplace

Keeping your art right above the fireplace causes smoke and heat damage.

9. If you need to store art, be smart about it.

Check out our full post on how to store your work.

Special thanks to Isaac Karner, of , for his contributions.


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