» Art » "Card Players" Cezanne

"Card Players" Cezanne

For the painting “Card Players”, Cezanne was posed by peasants, rural residents. This is one of the few cases when non-family members posed for the artist. After all, he worked very slowly. 1-2 years on each painting. But these simple people knew how to pose for a long time.

Read more interesting facts about the painting in the article “7 Post-Impressionist Masterpieces in the Musée d'Orsay”.

site “Diary of painting. In each picture there is a story, a fate, a mystery.”

» data-medium-file=»https://i0.wp.com/www.arts-dnevnik.ru/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/image-4.jpeg?fit=595%2C500&ssl=1″ data-large-file=”https://i0.wp.com/www.arts-dnevnik.ru/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/image-4.jpeg?fit=900%2C756&ssl=1″ loading ="lazy" class="wp-image-4210 size-full" title=""Card Players" Cezanne"Orsay, Paris" src="https://i2.wp.com/arts-dnevnik.ru/wp -content/uploads/2016/10/image-4.jpeg?resize=900%2C756&ssl=1″ alt=”“Card Players” by Cezanne” width=”900″ height=”756″ sizes=”(max-width : 900px) 100vw, 900px" data-recalc-dims=»1″/>

Paul Cezanne. Card players. 1890-1895 Musée d'Orsay, Paris.

Paul Cezanne was posed by the villagers. This is a rare case when the models were not members of the artist's family. After all, he worked very slowly. 1-2 years on one painting!

Perhaps Cezanne chose the plot with cards for a reason. During a card game, people sit long enough in one position. In addition, the peasants knew how to patiently pose.

For 5 years, Cezanne created 5 paintings with card players. One of the most famous is in the Musee d'Orsay in Paris (as the main illustration).

There are "Players" in New York and London. Literally scattered around the world!

"Card Players" Cezanne
Paul Cezanne. Card players. 1890-1895 Left: Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Right: Cortot Institute of Art, London.

But back to work from Paris.

For the painting “Card Players”, Cezanne was posed by peasants, rural residents. This is one of the few cases when non-family members posed for the artist. After all, he worked very slowly. 1-2 years on each painting. But these simple people knew how to pose for a long time.

Read more interesting facts about the painting in the article “7 Post-Impressionist Masterpieces in the Musée d'Orsay”.

site “Diary of painting. In each picture there is a story, a fate, a mystery.”

» data-medium-file=»https://i0.wp.com/www.arts-dnevnik.ru/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/image-4.jpeg?fit=595%2C500&ssl=1″ data-large-file=”https://i0.wp.com/www.arts-dnevnik.ru/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/image-4.jpeg?fit=900%2C756&ssl=1″ loading ="lazy" class="wp-image-4210 size-full" title=""Card Players" Cezanne"Orsay, Paris" src="https://i2.wp.com/arts-dnevnik.ru/wp -content/uploads/2016/10/image-4.jpeg?resize=900%2C756&ssl=1″ alt=”“Card Players” by Cezanne” width=”900″ height=”756″ sizes=”(max-width : 900px) 100vw, 900px" data-recalc-dims=»1″/>

Paul Cezanne. Card players. 1890-1895 Musee d'Orsay, Paris.

As always, Cezanne's color scheme is striking. The player's jacket on the left is not just brown. It is woven from green, purple, beige strokes.

And the player's hat on the right is white, yellow, red and blue.

Cezanne did not pursue realism.

The figures of men are strongly elongated. The table is skewed. His right leg is not at all partially drawn. As if the artist was running a brush over the canvas, and the paint ran out.

Why he drew the table in this way is difficult to understand. But we will try.

The fact is that Cezanne really wanted to convey the essence of the subject. The way he is. Without illusions and superficial in the form of a direct perspective and bright smooth colors.

In this he is somewhat close to icon painting.

"Card Players" Cezanne

Look at the book in the hands of the saint. The artist showed her as if from different sides: both from the side and from above.

To be sure to see its thickness. And at the same time, the heaviness was felt.

"Card Players" Cezanne
Icon "Nikola Lipensky". 1294 (created for the monastery church of St. Nicholas on Lipno). Novgorod Museum-Reserve, Veliky Novgorod.

Cezanne also painted the table in such a way as to convey its texture, its real properties. Therefore, he shows it both from the side and from above. Hence the skewedness and negligence.

The most surprising thing is that most likely Cezanne did not see icons in the Byzantine style. And he came to this manner of writing without experiencing their influence.
